DME Recruitment 2020: Staff Nurse, Technician, Peon & Others (557 Posts) [Apply Online] Link Active

DME Recruitment 2020:

DME Recruitment 2020, Online applications are invited for the following Grade-III (Technical), Grade-IV & Other posts as shown below under the establishment of the Principal-cum-Chief Superintendent, Lakhimpur Medical College & Hospital, North Lakhimpur which will Are available at the official web site of Directorate of Medical Education, Assam ( from 15.05.2020 to 30.05.2020 till midnight.

Recruitment Details:

DME Recruitment 2020
Lakhimpur Medical College & Hospital
Name Of Posts No of Posts Qualifications
Staff Nurse
201 nos (UR-83, OBC/MOBC-54, SC-14, STP-20, STH-10, EWS-20, PwD-8) B. Sc. Nursing/ GNM Course passed.
Nursing Sister 33 nos (UR-14, OBC/MOBC-09, SC-02, STP-03, STH-02, EWS-03, PwD-02) B. Sc. Nursing/ GNM Course passed.
Laboratory Technician 30 nos (UR-12, OBC/MOBC-08, SC-02, STP-03, STH-02, EWS-03, PwD-02) HSSLC Passed and Diploma/Certificate in Laboratory Technician.
Anesthetic Technician 4 nos UR-03, OBC/MOBC-01 HSSLC(Sc) with Diploma in Anaesthesia Technician.
Audiometry Technician 01 nos (UR) Bachelor Degree in Audiometry and speech pathology.
Radiographic Techrician 07 nos (UR-04, OBC/MOBC-02, STP-01) HSSLC(Sc) or Radiography Technician certificate.
Radiotherapy Technician 02 nos (UR-01, OBC/MOBC-01) HSSLC(Sc) or equivalent with Diploma in Radiotherapy Technician
Technician in Audiovisual Aids, Photogaphy and Artist for MEU 02 nos (UR-01, OBC-MOBC-01) ITI Passed, NCVT certificate in TV Mechanic.
OT Techaician 4 nos (UR-03, OBC/MOBC-01) HSSLC(Sc) and Diploma in OT Technician
ECG Techlician 01 nos (UR) Certificate/Diploma in ECG Technician
Dental Technician 4 nos (UR-03, OBC/MOBC-01) HSSLC (Sc) and 2 years Diploma in Dental Techrician
Prosthetic & Orthotic Technician 2 nos (UR-01, OBC/MOBC-01) HSSLC (Sc) and 2 years Diploma in Dental Techrician
Prosthetic & Orthotic Technician 2 nos (UR-01, OBC/MOBC-01) Bachelor Degree/Diploma in Orthotic Technician
Speech Therapist 2 nos (UR-01, OBC/MOBC-01) HSSLC (Sc) and Degree in Speech Therapy
Physiotherapist 2 nos (UR-01, OBC/MOBC-01) Degree/Diploma of Physiotherapy
Occupational Therapist 2 nos (UR-01, OBC/MOBC-01) Degree/Diploma in Physiotherapy
Multi Rehabilitation Worker/ MRW Technician/ Therapist 4 nos (UR-03, OBC/MOBC-01) HSSLC (Sc) and Diploma in Multi Rehabilitation works/MR Technician
Cataloguer 01 nos (UR) Graduate in Library Sciences
Technician for CSS 8 nos (UR-04, OBC/MOBC-02, SC-01, STP-01) HSSLC and Certificate course in CSS
Technician Assistant for CSS 8 nos (UR-04, OBC/MOBC-02, SC-01, STP-01) HSSLC and Certificate couse in CSS
Techniciaa for animal operatlon room 01 nos (UR) HSSLC and Diploma in Animal Operation
Audiovisual technician for Central Photography 01 nos (UR) ITI passed certificate/ NCVT certificate in TV Mechanic.
Dresse 2 nos (UR-01, OBC/MOBC-01) HSSLC(Sc) with Diploma in Physician Assistant Course/OT Technician Course
Modeller 01 nos (UR) HSSLC with training in Modeller
Dark Room Assistant 6 nos (UR-03, OBC/MOBC-02, STP-01) HSSLC (Sc) or equivalent with 1 year experience in Dark Room related X-Ray processing works.
Blackmith 01 nos (UR) ITI passed certificate/NCVT certificate in Black Smithy
Carpenter 01 nos (UR) ITI passed certificate,NCVT certificate in Carpenty
Carpenter Photographer 01 nos (UR) HSSLC passed with certificate in photography from recognized Institute.
Arfist 01 nos (UR) HSSLC passed with degree/diploma in Fine Arts from recosnized Institute
Ward Boy/Ward Girl 71 nos (UR-29, OBC/MOBC-19, SC-05, STP-07, STH-04, EWS-07, PWD-03) Class-VIII passed
Grade-IV 4 nos (UR-03, OBC/MOBC-01) Class-VIII passed
Attendant 10 nos (UR-04, OBC/MOBC-02, SC-01, STP-01, STH-01, EWS-01, PWD-0l) Class-VIII passed
Laboratory Attendant 30 nos (UR-12, OBC/MOBC-08, SC-02, STP-03, STH-02, EWS-03, PWD-02) Class-VIII passed
Peon 06 nos (UR-03, OBC/MOBC-02, STP-01) Class-VIII passed
Daftari 4 nos (UR-03, OBC/MOBC-01) Class-VIII passed
Stretcher Bearer 8 nos (UR-04, OBC/MOBC-02, SC-01, STP-01) Class-VIII passed
Sweeper 15 nos (UR06, OBC/MOBC-04, STH-01, EWS-01, PWD-01) Class-VIII passed
Dissection Hall Attendant 4 nos (UR-03, OBC/MOBC-01)
Class-VIII passed
Cook 4 nos (UR-03, OBC/MOBC-01) Class-VIII passed
Animal Attendant 2 nos (UR-01, OBC/MOBC-01) Class-VIII passed
Dhobi/Washerman/Women 12 nos (UR-05, OBC/MOBC-03, SC-01, STP-01, STH-01, EWS-01, PWD-01) Class-VIII passed
Packer 12 nos (UR-05, OBC/MOBC-03, SC-01, STP-01, STH-01, EWS-01, PWD-01) Class-VIII passed
Workshop worker 06 nos (UR-06, OBC/MOBC-02, STP-01) Class-VIII passed
Lower Division Assistant/Computer Operator-cum-Clerk/DTP Operator 15 nos (UR-06, OBC/MOBC-04, SC-01, STP-02, STH-01, EWS-01, PWD-01) Degree in any discipline
Store Keeper-cum-Clerk-cum-Computer Operator 21 nos (UR-09, OBC/MOBC-06, SC-01, STP-02, STH-01, EWS-02, PWD-01) Degree in any discipline
Advt. Details:
1. Click Here, 2. Click Here, 3. Click Here
Age Candidate should not be less than 18 years and not above 38 years as on 01.01.2020
HOW TO APPLY lnterested candidates shall have to fill up the online application forms available at the official website of Director of Medical Education. Assam (
Online Start 15.05.2020
Last Date 30.05.2020 till midnight.

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