CJM Kamrup Recruitment 2021: 03 Peon Vacancy

CJM Kamrup Recruitment 2021

CJM Kamrup Recruitment 2021, Applications are invited for 03 Peon Vacancy in Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kamrup, Amingaon.

Vacancy Details:

Name of PostsNo of Posts
Peon 03 nos


  • The Candidate must have Pass Class VIII However, Higher Secondary Passed and higher than that are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicant must have to be enrolled in Employment Exchange and should have valid Registration Card as on date of application

Age Limit:

Applicant must not be below 18 (eighteen) years of age as on date of application and the Upper age limit 40 years.


Rs. 12,000-52,000/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 3900.00 per month plus other allowances as admissible as per rule.

Selection Procedure:

Eligible candidates shall have to appear in a written test of 70 marks and short-listed candidates will be invited to appear in an interview. The Question Paper of the Written Test will be in the Assamese Language (except the Gen English portion). The original Documents/Testimonials will be verified at the time of the Interview. Candidates have to appear in both on their own expenses.


  • The applications are to be addressed to the undersigned along with 3 (three) self-attested recent colored passport size photographs (one pasted and others stapled writing the name on the backside of each) and self-attested copies of certificates in respect of Educational Qualification, Age Proof, Employment Exchange Certificate, Permanent Residential or Domicile Certificate, etc.
  • The duly filled up and signed applications along with relevant testimonials and a self-addressed envelope (22cm X 10cm) affixing Postal Stamp of Rs. 5.00 should reach the office of the undersigned on or before 22-11-2021. The envelope containing the application should be super-scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PEON”. The applications are to be dropped in the Drop Box kept in the office of the undersigned for the purpose. The Postal Address of the office is “The Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kamrup District, Amingaon. P.O.- Amingaon, PIN 781031.”

Last Date: 22.11.2021

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