TET Appointment Letters For 300 Post of Regular Teachers, Check How To Download Appointment Letters?

TET Appointment Letters

TET Appointment Letters For 300 Post of Regular Teachers LPS, UPS. Candidates Download Appointment Letters from the official website of DEE, Assam, ie. https://dee.assam.gov.in on 28th August 2020 from 12:30 PM onwards.

Appointment Letters Details

Total Posts: 300 nos (LPS, UPS)

1. All Provisional Select Lists published earlier will automatically stand canceled on publication of the Final
Select List. Appointment letters will be issued only to the candidates whose names appear in the Final Select List.

2. Any claim for appointment on the basis of provisional the select list will not be entertained.

3. A State-Level Function for ceremonial distribution of appointment letters to a limited number of 300 candidates, out of the total selected candidates for the post of regular teachers, is scheduled on 28th August 2020 at 11:00 AM. The function will be graced by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Assam, the Hon’ble Minister of Education, Assam, and the Hon’ble Minister of State (Education), Assam.

4. The above arrangement of ceremonial distribution to a limited number of 300 (three hundred) candidates has been done in view of the current situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For the convenience of communication, 300 (three hundred) numbers of candidates from a few nearby districts would be informed individually for attending the State-Level Ceremonial Function.

5. All other selected candidates as would appear in the Final Select List are requested to stay at home as they will be able to download their individual appointment letters from the official website of DEE, Assam, ie. https://dee.assam.gov.in on 28th August 2020 from 12:30 PM onwards

6. After downloading the appointment letters the candidates are requested to proceed for joining in their respective place of posting on 1st September 2020. The candidates are advised to undergo the COVID-RT-PCR Test in compliance with Govt. notification No. AHE.202/2020/38 Dated 19.08.2020, after joining in their respective places of posting.


Follow The Steps:

  1. Visit https://dee.assam.gov.in.
  2. Open Recruitment Tab
  3. Appointment Letter for the Post of Regular Teachers
  4. LPS, UPS
  5. Enter personal confidential credentials
  6. Receive OTP
  7. Enter OTP in the given space
  8. Download Individual Appointment Letter
TET Appointment Letters For 300 Post of Regular Teachers, Check How To Download Appointment Letters?

Appointment Letter Available 28.08.2020 from 12:30 PM on wards.

Download District Wise Final Select List of Regular Teachers of LP and UP Schools:

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