District & Sessions Judge Cachar Recruitment 2020: Apply For 07 Office Peon Vacancy

District & Sessions Judge Cachar Recruitment 2020

District & Sessions Judge Cachar Recruitment 2020, Applications are invited from intending eligible candidates, who are citizens of India as defined in articles 5 and 6 of the Constitution of India, in the prescribed Standard, Form for filling up 7 (seven) vacant posts of Office Peon in the establishment of the District & Sessions Judge, Cachar, Silchar.

Vacancy Details:

Name of Post: Office Peon

No of Posts: 07 nos (UR-06, STH-01)

Qualification: Minimum Vlll standard pass, Maximum Xll standard pass.
Salary: Rs. 12000-37500/- G.P-Rs. 3900/-

Age: Candidates must not be less than 18 years and not more than 38 years of age as on 01.08.2020.


Candidates must submit their applications addressing to the District & Sessions Judge, Cachar, Silchar either through post or by hand to the Office of the District & Sessions Judge, Cachar, Silchar. The candidates who intend to submit their application by hand directly shall drop their applications in the dropbox which will be kept in the front of the main entry gate of the court campus from 10:00 am to 03:00 pm in the working days up to 11.08.2020.

Applications must be submitted with self-attested copies of all testimonials/certificates in support of age,
educational qualification and caste etc., along with three recent passport size photographs with white
background to be enclosed with the application with MOBILE NUMBER preferably, Whatsapp number.

Applications must reach the Office of the District & Sessions Judge, Cachar, Silchar during office hours on or
before 11.08.2020.

Last Date: 11.08.2020

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