DHE Assam Recruitment 2020: Apply For Principal Posts @ Govt. Model Colleges

DHE Assam Recruitment 2020

DHE Assam Recruitment 2020, Applications are invited from the eligible suitable candidates with complete Bio-Data from HSLC onward stating academic and professional qualification, teaching experience, research/
publication etc. with supporting documents as per Govt. Guideline notified vide O.M. No. AHE.45/2019/2, dated 25.02.2019 in D.H.E.’s prescribed format for the following sanctioned post of Principal of Govt. Model Colleges.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts: Principal

No of Posts: 02 nos

Name of model degree collegeDistrictNo of Posts
Govt. Model College DeithorKarbi Anglong01 nos
Govt. Model College, BorkholaCachar01 nos


  • Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) by a recognized University.
  • Ph.D. Degree
  • Professor/ Associate Professor with a total service/ experience of at least fifteen years of teaching/ research in Universities, Colleges, and other institutions of Higher Education.

Salary: Scale of pay Rs. 144200-218200/- p.m. and other allowances with special allowance of Rs. 2000/- pm.


  1. Applications should be filled up in the Prescribed Proforma issued by the D.H.E., Assam (which is available at D.H.E.’s web portal: https://directorateofhighereducation.assam.gov.in)
  2. The applications must be submitted to the Director of Higher Education, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati- 19, through proper channel on or before 11.08.2020.
  3. The soft copy of the application to be sent via Email directorhigherassam123@gmail.com
    to the Director of Higher Education, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati- 19 with a subject
    “Application for the post of Principal of Govt. Model College” and hard copy to be submitted
    at the time of the interview only.
  4. Application fee in the form of Demand Draft of Rs. 2000/- must be submitted in favor of
    Secretary, Publication Board, Assam along with the application submitted at the time of

Last Date: 11.08.2020

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