Oil India Limited Recruitment 2020: Apply Online For Sr. Assistant, Jr. Assistant Posts (09 Nos)

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2020

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2020, Sr. Assistant, Jr. Assistant Posts 09 Posts Apply Online. Last Date: 01/07/2020 (11:59 PM- MIDNIGHT). Eligible Indian Nationals to fill up the following post(s)

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2020

Name Of Posts: Sr. Assistant, Jr. Assistant

Total Posts: 09 nos
Name Of Posts No of Posts Qualification Salary
Sr. Assistant–I, Steno Typist Grade–VII 03 nos (UR-01, SC-01, OBC-01) Graduate in any discipline &
Certificate in English &
06 (six) months Diploma/Certificate in Computer operation and be fully conversant with MS Office, Excel, Spreadsheet, and MS PowerPoint. Shorthand Course.
Rs. 16,000-34,000/-
Sr. Assistant–I, Hindi Translator Grade-VII 01 nos (UR) Graduate from a recognized university with Hindi as a major subject as well as English as one of the elective subjects in the Pass course. &
Certificate or Diploma in Hindi Translator Course from a recognized institute. &
06(six) months Diploma/Certificate in Computer Applications
Rs. 16,000-34,000/-
Jr. Assistant–I, Clerk-cum-Computer Operator, Grade–V 04 nos (UR-02, SC-01, OBC-01) 10+2 Passed &
06 (six) months Diploma/Certificate in Computer Application and should be fully conversant with MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, etc.
Proficiency in computer with minimum typing speed of 30 (thirty) words per minute
Rs13500- 28000/-
Jr. Assistant–I, Hindi Typist cum Computer Operator Grade–V 01 nos (UR) 10+2 Passed &
06 (six) months Diploma/Certificate in Computer Application and should be fully conversant with MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, etc.
Proficiency in computer with minimum typing speed of 30 (thirty) words per minute
Rs. 13,500- 28,000/-
Age Limit

General: Minimum 18 years and maximum of 30 years
SC: Minimum 18 years and maximum 35 years
OBC: (Non-Creamy Layer) Minimum 18 years and maximum 33 years
Registration Fees a) Non Refundable Application Fees of Rs. 200/- will be charged from the candidates belonging to General and OBC category only.
b) SC/ST/PwBD/EWS/Ex-Servicemen is exempted to pay any Fee.
Selection Process Stage-I: Computer Based Test (CBT) and
Stage-II: Skill & Proficiency Test
Candidate(s) fulfilling the above criteria would be required to apply online through the link available on the Oil India Limited website (https://www.oilindia.com/Current_openNew.aspx)
Important Dates
Online Start 02/06/2020 (10:00 AM )
Last date 01/07/2020 (11:59 PM- MIDNIGHT)
Advt. Details Apply Online

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