NIT Silchar Recruitment 2020: Apply For 65 Faculty Posts Vacancy

NIT Silchar Recruitment 2020

NIT Silchar Recruitment 2020, invites applications in the prescribed format from Indian Nationals, possessing consistently good academic record and requisite qualifications and experience, with a commitment to work, passion for teaching and research, and an inclination towards institutional development.

Vacancy Details

Name Of The Posts:

  1. Professor
    Pay Scale: Level–14A [PB – IV with AGP INR 10,500.00 (6th CPC scale)]
  2. Associate Professor
    Pay Scale: Level–13A2 [PB – IV with AGP INR 9,500.00 (6th CPC scale)]
  3. Assistant Professor Grade–I
    Pay Scale: Level–12 [PB – III with AGP INR 8,000.00 (6th CPC scale)]
  4. Assistant Professor Grade–II
    Pay Scale: Level–11 [PB – III with AGP INR 7,000.00 (6th CPC scale)]

Total Posts: 65 Nos


  1. Civil Engineering
  2. Mechanical Engineering
  3. Electrical Engineering
  4. Electronics & Communication Engineering
  5. Computer Science & Engineering
  6. Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
  7. Mathematics
  8. Management Studies

Qualification Details: Click Here

Application fees: INR 1,000.00 for General/OBC candidates & INR 500.00 for SC/ST/PWD/EWS candidates be paid directly to State Bank of India in the account of Director, NIT Silchar (A/C No. – 10521277057, IFSC Code – SBIN0007061).


The soft copy of the application must be sent to the email id: with a copy to within 28th October 2020 by 5 pm. The subject line of the email should contain the name of the department and post applied.

  • The soft copy of the application should include the following:

i. the application form in pdf format
ii. the datasheet in MS Excel in xls/xlsx format
iii. the pdf version of the datasheet mentioned in 3. (ii) above
iv. soft copy of the transaction slip for the fees deposited
v. Copy of speed post receipt

The hard copy of the application should be sent to “Dean (F.W), National Institute of Technology Silchar, P.O. Silchar – 788010, Assam” within due date (28th October 2020) by Speed Post only. The name of the department and post applied for must be clearly mentioned on the envelope.

The hard copy of the application should include the following
i. the duly filled in application form
ii. all relevant documents (self-attested)
iii. the hard copy of the data sheet
iv. copy of the transaction slip for the fees deposited

Last Date: 28.10.2020

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