NFL Recruitment 2020: Engineer, Manager, Sr. Chemist (52 Posts)

NFL Recruitment 2020:

NFL Recruitment 2020 of experienced professionals in Production, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Chemical Laboratory, Civil and Fire & Safety-2020.

NFL Recruitment Details:

Name Of PostsDisciplineNo Of Posts
MANAGERPRODUCTION16 nos (UR-08, SC-02, ST-01, OBC-04, EWS-01)
ENGINEERMECHANICAL04 nos (UR-03, OBC-01), (Backlog-01)
MANAGERMECHANICAL12 nos (UR-07, SC-01, OBC-03, EWS-01)
ENGINEERINSTRUMENTATION04 nos (UR-03, OBC-01), (Backlog-01)


Engineer/Manager (Production)Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Chemical Engineering/Chemical Technology from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Chemical Engineering.
Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Mechanical Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Mechanical Engineering.
Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Electrical Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Electrical Engineering.
Engineer (Instrumentation)Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Instrumentation/Electronics & Communication/Instrumentation & Electronics/Electronics & Electrical Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Electronics & Communication Engineering.
Engineer (Civil)Minimum 60% marks in Degree (B. Tech./ B.E.) in Civil Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Civil Engineering.
Sr ChemistM Sc (Chemistry)
Engineer (Fire and Safety)Minimum 60% marks in Degree (B. Tech./ B.E.) in Fire Engg./Safety & Fire Engg.
OR Minimum 60% marks in Degree (B. Tech./B.E./BSc Engg.) in Electrical/Mechanical/Chemical with Divisional Officers Course from National Fire Service College (NFSC), Nagpur

Other Details:

Age30 to 45 yrs
Application FeeUR / EWS / OBC candidates are required to send a Non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 700/- (Rupees Seven Hundred only) through Demand Draft in favor of NATIONAL FERTILIZERS LIMITED payable at NEW DELHI. However, SC/ ST/ ExSM, PwBD, and Departmental candidates are not required to pay the Application Fee.

HOW TO APPLY NFL Recruitment 2020:

Candidates fulfilling the prescribed eligibility criteria should download and print the prescribed Application Form
proforma available on NFL website>Careers>Recruitment in NFL>Recruitment
of experienced professionals in Production, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Chemical Laboratory, Civil
and Fire & Safety-2020. The Application Form, duly filled and signed, along with self-attested copies of the
documents/certificates, as mentioned at Sl. No. G.6 should reach in a sealed envelope cover super-scribed
with “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF __ (POST NAME) – 2020” at the following address:
“General Manager (HR), National Fertilizers Limited,
A-11, Sector-24, Noida, District Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh – 201301”

Required Document For Posts:

Self-attested photocopy of following documents is required to be enclosed along with application form:

Date of Birth10th/Matriculation Certificate
For Educational QualificationMark sheets and Degree Certificates (Matric onwards up to the highest level for all semesters/years).
For Pay Scale (for PSU/Govt.) or CTC (for Private Sector)Employer’s Certificate or Appointment letter along with all promotion/increment letters/payslip from the month of March 2019 to March 2020 indicating pay/CTC for the requisite period. Form-16 (FY 2017-18, 2018-19 & 2019-20).
Experience Certificate with date of joining and relieving and Present Employment ProofCertificate issued by Employer(s), if any, for past or present employment / Offer of appointment and payslip for the month of March, 2020 as proof of working on the cut-off date.
For Caste CertificateCaste Certificate in the prescribed format.
For Differently abled/PwBD candidatesMedical Certificate in the prescribed format.
No Objection Certificate (NOC)/Application through proper channelFrom the present employer, in case of candidates working in Govt./Quasi-Govt./PSU/Autonomous/Statutory Body/JVs whether on a permanent or contract basis.
Application FeeDemand Draft of ₹700/- (if applicable).
Identity ProofAADHAAR/PAN/Passport/Election Photo Identity Card/ Identity Card
issued by Govt./PSU/Passbook of any Nationalized Bank with the attested photograph.
Last Date03.06.2020
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BECIL Recruitment 2020: Analyst, Expert, Investigator, Researchers & Others (51

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