IIT Guwahati Recruitment 2020: Apply For 06 Officer, Engineer, Assistant Other Posts Vacancy

IIT Guwahati Recruitment 2020

IIT Guwahati Recruitment 2020, Applications are invited for an online interview on 07.09.2020 (Monday) at 10:00 am for the temporary contractual positions of the following posts (Project mode) in the Research & Development Section of IIT Guwahati.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts:

  1. Assistant Project Officer (Project Mode)
    No Of Posts: 01 nos

Qualification: Ph.D. in Science / Engineering OR M. Tech. with 2 years’ experience.
Desirable: Research publication in SCI journals and proposal writing capability.
Pay: Rs.38000/- + 16% HRA + Medical Facility as per IIT Guwahati norms.

  1. System Engineer (Project Mode)
    No Of Posts: 01 nos

Qualification: Qualification: B.E/ B. Tech passed with 1st class in CS/IT or MCA with experience of minimum one year in software development. Experience in working in Java, HTML, PHP, SQL are mandatory.
Pay: Rs.28500/- + 16% HRA + Medical Facility as per IIT Guwahati norms.

  1. Office Assistant (Project Mode)
    No Of Posts: 03 nos

Qualification: MBA in Finance-1 post, MBA in HR-1 post, MA/MSc. /M.Com.-1 post. The candidate should have good academic record having 1st class/division in all degrees right from HSLC onwards and 2 years’ experience in Office management in similar organization.
Pay: Rs.19500/- + 16% HRA + Medical Facility as per IIT Guwahati norms.

  1. Attendant (Project Mode)
    No Of Posts: 01 nos

Qualification: High School Pass with 1 year experience. Experience in similar organization is highly preferable.
Pay: Rs.7450/- + 16% HRA + Medical Facility as per IIT Guwahati norms.


Candidates must apply through a mail to email id: rnd_recruitment@iitg.ac.in on or before 01.09.2020 with the subject of the email as “Application for the post of……………. (Name of post)”. The mail must be accompanied by his/her updated CV giving details of all educational qualifications from 10th standard onwards, experience, contact address, phone no., email, etc.. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an online interview. The tentative date of the online interview is 07.09.2020. The date and time for the online interview of the shortlisted candidate will be informed via email.

Last Date: 01.09.2020

Online interview Date: 07.09.2020 (Monday) at 10:00 am

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