Executive Engineer Fisheries Recruitment 2021: 03 Driver & Grade-IV Vacancy

Executive Engineer Fisheries Recruitment 2021

Executive Engineer Fisheries Recruitment 2021, Application are invited for 03 Driver & Grade-IV Vacancy in Executive Engineer, Department of Fisheries, Assam, Guwahati-16, (Meen Bhawan) Gopinath Nagar.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of PostsNo Of Posts
Driver01 nos
Grade-IV02 nos

Qualification Details:

  • Driver: Applicant must H.S.L.C passed and have a valid 4(Four) wheeler driving license (LMV) issued by District Transport Officer, Govt. of Assam and must have recent Government Doctor certified vision certificate.
  • Grade-IV: Class VIII passed

Salary Details:

  • Driver: P.B- Rs.14000 – 60500/- + G.P. Rs. 5200/- Pm + other allowances as per rule.
  • Grade-IV: P.B- Rs 12000 – 37000/- + G.P.Rs. 3900/- Pm + other allowances as per rule.

Age Limit:

A candidate must not be less than 18 years or not more than 40 years of age as on 01-01-2021 as per Govt. OM No.ABP.6/2016/51 dt. 02.09.2020. As per the OM, for the post of Gr-III & Gr-IV, the upper age limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years in case of the candidates belong to SC/ST, 3 (Three) years in case of the candidates belong to OBC/MOBC and 10(ten) years in case of Persons with Disabilities.

HOW TO APPLY Executive Engineer Fisheries Recruitment 2021:

The application for both posts must be accompanied by the following:

  • Self-attested copies of all certificates/ Mark Sheets of educational and other qualifications, age proof, Caste Certificate along with other testimonials including a copy of up to date Employment exchange registration card.
  • Two copies of recent passport size photographs duly signed by the candidates indicating full name on the backside.
  • A self-addressed envelope (Size-10inch X 4.5inch) affixing postage stamp of Rs.6/- and the envelope containing should be clearly marked as the application for the post of Driver or Gd-IV which is applicable.

The application should be submitted to the Executive Engineer, Department of Fisheries, Assam, Guwahati, Meen Bhawan, Surabala Devi path, P.O:- Gopinath Nagar, Dist:- Kamrup(M), Assam, Pin-781016.

Last Date: 08.02.2021

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