DRDO Recruitment 2020: Apply For Scientist ‘B’ (167 posts)

DRDO Recruitment 2020:

DRDO Recruitment 2020, RAC invites online applications from graduate engineers and postgraduates in Science including students who are appearing or have appeared in their final year examination through RAC website https://rac.gov.in for recruitment to the posts of Scientist `B’ in Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), in Level-10 (7th CPC) of the Pay Matrix (Rs. 56,100/-) in specified disciplines and categories. Total emoluments (inclusive of HRA and all other allowances) at the time of joining will be approximately Rs. 80,000/- p.m. at the present metro city rate.

DRDO Recruitment 2020 Details
Discipline No Of Posts Qualification (GATE)
Electronics & Comm. Engg 37 nos (UR-15, EWS-04, OBC-10, SC-05, ST-03) First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Electronics & Communication Engg
Mechanical Engg 35 nos (UR-14, EWS-03, OBC-10, SC-05, ST-03) First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Mechanical Engg
Computer Science & Engg 31 nos (UR-12, EWS-04, OBC-08, SC-05, ST-02) First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Computer Science & Engg
Electrical Engg 12 nos (UR-05, OBC-04, SC-02, ST-01) First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Electrical Engg
Material Science & Engg/Metallurgical Engg 10 nos (UR-05, EWS-02, OBC-02, SC-01) First Class Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology in Metallurgy
Physics 08 nos (UR-02, EWS-01, OBC-02, SC-02, ST-01) First Class Master’s Degree in Physics
Chemistry 07 nos (UR-03, OBC-02, SC-01, ST-01) First Class Master’s Degree in Chemistry
Chemical Engg 06 nos (UR-02, EWS-01, OBC-02, SC-01) First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Chemical Engg
Aeronautical Engg 04 nos (UR-01, EWS-01, OBC-01, ST-01) First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Aeronautical Engg
Mathematics 04 nos (UR-02, OBC-01, SC-01) First Class Master’s Degree in Mathematics
Civil Engg 03 nos (UR-02, OBC-01) First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Civil Engg
Psychology 10 nos (UR-04, EWS-01, OBC-02, SC-02, ST-01) First Class Master’s Degree in Psychology

Un-Reserved (UR) /EWS: 28 years
OBC (Non-creamy layer): 31 years
SC/ST: 33 years
Application Fee General (UR), EWS and OBC male candidates are required to pay a nonrefundable non-transferable application fee of Rs 100/- (Rs. One Hundred only) payable online only. There is no application fee for SC/ST/PwD and women candidates.
Candidates are required to register online at the RAC website (https://rac.gov.in). On successful registration, the candidates may login before the closing date of the advertisement to fill the application form online.
Please Read Full Notification Before Apply
Last Date 10.07.2020
Advt. Details

RGIPT Recruitment 2020: Apply Now

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