DLSA Bongaigaon Recruitment 2021: 35 PLVs Vacancy

DLSA Bongaigaon Recruitment 2021

DLSA Bongaigaon Recruitment 2021, Applications are invited for 35 Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs) Vacancy in District Legal Services Authority, Bongaigaon.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of PostsNo Of Posts
Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs) 35 nos

Eligibility Criteria:

The candidates should have minimum matriculate qualification and capacity for overall comprehension, who do not look up to the income they derive from their services as PLVs and who have a mindset to assist the needy in society coupled with the compassion, empathy, and concern for the upliftment of the marginalized and weaker sections of society.


The applications shall be received through online mode in e-Mail ID of DLSA, Bongaigaon as well as physically through post or directly at the office of DLSA till 10.08.2021 at 5 PM.

The applications shall be addressed to:-

The Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Bongaigaon,
1st Floor, District Judicial Court Building, Deuripara, Bongaigaon-783380
Phone: +91 69012-81621.
E-Mail: dlsabonoaiqaon@gmail.com

Last Date: 10.08.2021

DLSA Bongaigaon Recruitment 2021

DLSA Bongaigaon Recruitment 2021, Applications are invited for 35 Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs) Vacancy in District Legal Services Authority, Bongaigaon.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of PostsNo Of Posts
Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs) 35 nos

Eligibility Criteria:

The candidates should have minimum matriculate qualification and capacity for overall comprehension, who do not look up to the income they derive from their services as PLVs and who have a mindset to assist the needy in society coupled with the compassion, empathy, and concern for the upliftment of the marginalized and weaker sections of society.


The applications shall be received through online mode in e-Mail ID of DLSA, Bongaigaon as well as physically through post or directly at the office of DLSA till 10.08.2021 at 5 PM.

The applications shall be addressed to:-

The Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Bongaigaon,
1st Floor, District Judicial Court Building, Deuripara, Bongaigaon-783380
Phone: +91 69012-81621.
E-Mail: dlsabonoaiqaon@gmail.com

Last Date: 10.08.2021

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