Directorate of Museums Recruitment 2020: Apply For 08 Grade-IV Vacancy

Directorate of Museums Recruitment 2020

Directorate of Museums Recruitment 2020, Applications are invited For 08 Grade-IV posts under the Directorate of Museums, Assam, Ambari, Guwahati – 781001.

Name Of Posts: Grade-IV
No Of Posts: 08 nos (UR-03, OBC/MOBC-02, STP-01, EWS-02)

Qualification: Minimum Class VIII passed

Salary: PB- Rs. 12000/- – Rs. 37000/- Grade pay- Rs. 3900/-

Age: Candidates must not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years of age on 1st January 2020. The upper age limit relaxation up to 05 years for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC/MOBC as per Govt. rule.

Selection Procedure: Eligible candidates will be required to appear in Written Examination. The written examination will be of 50 marks 90 minutes duration (General Knowledge, Maths, Assamese & English). No TA/DA will be borne for attending the test.

HOW TO APPLY Directorate of Museums Recruitment:

The application should be submitted in person or by ordinary post to the Office of the Directorate of Museums, Assam, Ambari, Guwahati-781001.

The application must be accompanied by the following documents:

a. Self attested copies of

(i) Age proof Certificate,
(ii) Educational qualifications,
(iii) Caste certificate,
(iv) Valid employment Registration card of the State of Assam,
(v) Residential certificate (PRC/Voter ID/Aadhaar) etc.
(vi) Candidates belonging to EWS should submit EWS certificate issued by competent authority,
(vii) Applicant submit a Declaration in the Form-A (Small Family Norms in Direct Recruitment) Rules, 2019 are must. The candidates must provide their mobile nos.

b. Self attested three copies of recent passport size Photographs.
c. A self address envelope size (22 cm x 10 cm) affixing postal stamp for Rs. 5 only

Last Date: 24.11.2020

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