AHSEC Syllabus 2021- HS Syllabus 30% Reduced Check Details

AHSEC Syllabus 2021

AHSEC Syllabus 30% (reduced portion only) for all subjects of H.S. First and Second year of Arts, Science & Commerce streams

It is well known to all that due to the Pandemic Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) students of our
state had already lost the valued academic time. After the CBSE decided to reduce the volume of the
course for class XI & XII, the AHSEC was seriously deliberating upon the issue. In the month of
July, the AHSEC has sought the views from different State Boards under COBSE, India, Universities
of Assam, Principal of Colleges / H.S. Schools / Sr. Secondary Schools/General Secretary, All Assam
Higher Secondary Teacher & Employee Association / Assam Junior College Teacher Employee
Association / ACTA, eminent educationists of the State.

The main objective is to reduce the exam stress of the students of the session 2020-21, due to this pandemic situation and to prevent learning gaps.
This syllabus is only the reduced portion for the preparation of the upcoming final exams of HS 1st and 2nd year to be held in 2021.

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