Tezpur University Recruitment 2021: 16 Officer, Librarian & Others Vacancy

Tezpur University Recruitment 2021

Tezpur University Recruitment 2021, Online applications are invited for 16 Officer, Librarian & Others Vacancy in Tezpur University.

Details Of Vacancy:

Name Of PostsNo Of PostsAge Limit
Internal Audit Officer01 nosNot exceeding 50
Deputy Librarian01 nosNot exceeding 50
Information Scientist01 nosNot exceeding 35
Assistant Registrar02 nosNot exceeding 35
Upper Division Clerk04 nosBetween 18 -27 years
Lower Division Clerk04 nosBetween 18 -27 years
Junior Accountant02 nosBetween 18 -27 years
Technical Assistant01 nosBetween 18 -27 years

Qualification Details:

Name Of PostsQualification
Internal Audit OfficerOfficers holding analogous posts on regular basis or with 5 years of regular service
Deputy LibrarianMaster’s degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation Science
Information ScientistMaster,s Degree in Library and Information Science with PGDCA
Assistant RegistrarMaster’s Degree in any subject
Upper Division ClerkBachelor’s degree
Lower Division Clerk12th Class or equivalent
Junior AccountantBachelor’s degree in commerce
Technical AssistantB. Sc. with major in Physics


Name Of PostsQualification
Internal Audit OfficerPB-3: Rs. 15,600-39,100/- + Grade Pay: Rs. 7,600/-)
Deputy LibrarianPB-3: Rs. 15,600-39,100/- + Academic Grade Pay: Rs. 8,000/-)
Information ScientistPB-3: Rs. 15.600-39,100/- + Grade Pay: Rs. 5,400/-)
Assistant RegistrarPB-3: Rs. 15.600-39,100/- + Grade Pay: Rs. 5,400/-)
Upper Division ClerkPB-I: Rs. 5,200-20,200/- + Grade Pay: Rs. 2,400/-)
Lower Division ClerkPB-I: Rs. 5,200-20,200/- + Grade Pay: Rs. 1,900/-)
Junior AccountantPB-I: Rs. 5,200-20,200/- + Grade Pay: Rs. 2,400/-)
Technical AssistantPB-I: Rs. 5,200-20,200/- + Grade Pay: Rs. 2,800/-)

Application Fees:

Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only) (Exempted for SC/ST/PWD categories).

Mode of payment: Through online bank transfer, for which details are as below:

Account Name: Tezpur University Recurring
Savings Bank Account No. 37854250831
Bank Name & Branch: State Bank of India, Tezpur University Branch
Napaam, Tezpur-784028, Assam
IFS Code: SBIN0014259

Applicants must submit copy of the e-generated receipt of the payment along with the hard copy of the application.


Applications through ONLINE mode only, available in Tezpur University ONLINE Recruitment Portal https://tezunt.samarth.edu.in

After submission of the ONLINE application in the portal, a duly signed hard copy (pdf) of the completed application(s) must be submitted to “The Registrar, Tezpur University Tezpur-784 028, Assam” along with all necessary enclosures including the proof of submission of application fee and ‘, No Objection Certificate (NOC)”, wherever applicable, Latest by 23.07.2021. The envelope containing the application should be superscribed “Application for the post of … (name of the post), Advt. No. 08 /2021-.

Last Date: 23.07.2021

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