Soil Conservation Assam Recruitment 2021: 143 Grade-III & Grade-IV Vacancy

Soil Conservation Assam Recruitment 2021

Soil Conservation Assam Recruitment 2021, Online applications are invited for 143 Grade-III & Grade-IV Vacancies in the Department of Soil Conservation, Assam.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts No Of Posts Salary
Junior Assistant (H.Q.) 06 nos Rs. 14,000-60,500/-, + GP-Rs. 6200/-P.M, PB-2
Junior Assistant (D/L) 16 nos Rs. 14,000-60,500/-, + GP-Rs. 6200/-P.M, PB-2
Soil Conservation Demonstrator (Jr.) 05 nos Rs. 14,000-60,500/-, + GP-Rs. 6200/-P.M, PB-2
Soil Conservation Field Worker 85 nos Rs. 14,000-60,500/-, + GP-Rs. 6200/-P.M, PB-2
Surveyor 07 nos Rs. 14,000-60,500/-, + GP-Rs. 6200/-P.M, PB-2
Stenographer (U/Q) 01 nos Rs. 14,000-60,500/-, + GP-Rs. 6200/-P.M, PB-2
Foreman 01 nos Rs. 14,000-60,500/-, + GP-Rs. 8700/-P.M, PB-2
Electrician 01 nos Rs. 14,000-60,500/-, + GP-Rs. 6200/-P.M, PB-2
Plantation Mali 03 nos Rs. 12,000-52,000/-, + GP-Rs. 3900/-P.M, PB-1
Peon 05 nos Rs. 12,000-52,000/-, + GP-Rs. 3900/-P.M, PB-1
Chowkidar 05 nos Rs. 12,000-52,000/-, + GP-Rs. 3900/-P.M, PB-1
Khalashi 04 nos Rs. 12,000-52,000/-, + GP-Rs. 3900/-P.M, PB-1
Handiman 03 nos Rs. 12,000-52,000/-, + GP-Rs. 3900/-P.M, PB-1
Dak runner 01 nos Rs. 12,000-52,000/-, + GP-Rs. 3900/-P.M, PB-1

Qualification Details Soil Conservation Assam Recruitment 2021:

Junior Assistant (H.Q.) Graduate with 6 Months Diploma in Computer Applications with English and Assamese Typing.
Junior Assistant (D/L) Graduate with 6 Months Diploma in Computer Applications with English and Assamese Typing.
Soil Conservation Demonstrator (Jr.) HSSLC Passed
Soil Conservation Field Worker HSSLC Passed
Surveyor HSLC with Diploma in Surveyorship (ITI)
Stenographer (U/Q) HSSLC with Diploma in Stenography with minimum speed of 80 WPM in English Shorthand with basic Computer Knowledge.
Foreman HSLC with Diploma in Electronics/Mechanical (ITI)
Electrician HSLC with Diploma in Electronics (ITI)
Plantation Mali Class VIII Passed
Peon Class VIII Passed
Chowkidar Class VIII Passed
Khalashi Class VIII Passed
Handiman Class VIII Passed
Dak runner Class VIII Passed

Age Limit:

The Candidate should not be less than 18 years and not above 40 years as on 01-01-2020

The upper age limit is relaxable as under:
i) 5 years for ST (P), ST (H), SC candidates, as per rule.
ii) 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates as per Govt. Notification No. ABP.6/2016/9, Dated:25/04/2018
iii) 10 years for PwD candidates irrespective of SC/ST/OBC and UR as per Govt. notification No.ABP.144/95/121 dated 28/10/2015

  • For the purpose of Grade-III the age limit, the Department will accept only the date of birth recorded in the Matriculation or equivalent examination certificate/admit card issued by a recognized education board.
  • In the case of Grade-IV posts, the age proof of the candidates will be determined by the birth certificate/ school certificate /affidavit declaring age proof, etc.

HOW TO APPLY Soil Conservation Assam Recruitment 2021:

The applications must be submitted online through the link in the website

Online Start: 03.02.2021
Last Date: 12.02.2021

Important Links for Soil Conservation Assam Recruitment 2021

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