Social Welfare Assam Recruitment 2020
Social Welfare Assam Recruitment 2020 Applications are invited for walk-in-interview for filling up of 2 Nos. of purely temporary/contractual posts (Non-Government -UNICEF funded) in the MIS-Research and Analysis Cell, at Directorate of Social Welfare, Assam.
Vacancy Details:
Name Of Posts:
1. MIS Officer
No of Posts: 01 nos
1. Post Graduate in Child Development / Sociology /Social Anthropology / SocialScience / Nutrition/Public Health/Rural Development.
2. Basic Computer knowledge with the Internet.
3. Working knowledge of MS Office, Excel, and PowerPoint essential.
4. Expert in preparation of strategic documents, presentations, and reports.
5. Good facilitation and communication skills.
6. Proficient in English and Assamese language (writing and speaking)
7. Ability to work collaboratively and coordinate with diverse partners and stakeholders.
Salary: Rs. 55,000/- PM (Fixed)
2. ECCE Coordinator
No of Posts: 01 nos
1. Postgraduate in Education Child Development/Sociology/Philosophy and Psychology.
2. Working knowledge of MS Office, Excel, and PowerPoint essential.
3. Expert in preparation of strategic documents, presentation and reports Good facilitation and communication skills.
4. Proficient in English and Assamese language (writing and speaking)
5. Ability to work collaboratively and coordinate with diverse partners and stakeholders.
Salary: Rs. 55,000/- PM (Fixed)
Age: 44 years
Eligible Candidates may apply for the above position with duly filled in Application Form as per prescribed format (Copy may be obtained in the website: and with two recent passport-sized color photographs, self-attested copies of testimonials/certificates and have to attend the selection procedure on specified dates against their respective position at Directorate of Social Welfare, Uzanbazar, Guwahati-1( with all original testimonials) which will be notified letter through the website. A candidate shall apply for any one of the above 2 (two) positions only.
Address for submission of application :
Office of the Directorate of Social Welfare, Assam,
State Balbhawan, Uzanbazar, Guwahati-1
The application will be received from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM on all working days
Last Date: 27.08.2020 at 4:00 PM
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