Sessions Judge Sonitpur Recruitment 2020: Apply For Office Peon Posts

Sessions Judge Sonitpur Recruitment 2020

Applications are invited in the prescribed Standard Form of application published in part-IX of Assam Gazette, from intending and eligible candidates, who are citizens of India as defined in Articles 5-8 of the Constitution of India and having registration number in an Employment Exchange in the State of Assam, for filling up the following vacant post under the establishment of the District and Sessions Judge, Sonitpur, Tezpur.

Vacancy Details

Name Of Posts: Office Peon
No Of Posts: 01 nos (UR)

Qualification: Class VIII passed and up to Class – XII
Salary: PB1 Rs. 12000 -Rs. 37500 +G. P. Rs. 3900/-
Age: Candidates must not be less than 18 years or more than 38 years of age on 01.01.2020

HOW TO APPLY Sessions Judge Sonitpur Recruitment 2020

The application with self-attested copies of all testimonials regarding Educational Qualification, Age, Caste, Valid Employment Exchange Registration Card along with 3 (three) copies of recent passport size photographs duly signed by the candidate on the reverse side should reach the Office of the undersigned.

The envelope containing the application should indicate the name of the post applied for on the top in Block letters as – “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF OFFICE PEON”

The duly filled up application should be addressed to
The District and Sessions Judge,
Sonitpur, Tezpur,
P.O. & P.S.: Tezpur,
Dist: Sonitpur, Assam – 784001.

Last Date: 14.09.2020

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