Sessions Judge Nalbari Recruitment 2020: Apply For Driver Posts Vacancy

Sessions Judge Nalbari Recruitment 2020

Sessions Judge Nalbari Recruitment 2020, Applications are invited from the eligible candidates, in Standard Form as published in Part-IX of the Assam Gazette with self-attested copies of relevant documents for filling up the post of Driver for Civil Judge and Asstt. Sessions Judge, Nalbari. The appointment shall be purely on a contingent basis. The selection for the post of Driver shall be made on the basis of a driving test followed by a Viva-Voce.
Date and venue shall be notified in due course through the official website of the Nalbari District Judiciary.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts: Driver

No of Posts: 01 nos

Qualifications: HSLC passed with a valid Transport Driving License.
Salary: Rs.15,000/- Per Month

Age: Candidates must not be below 18 years or above 38 years of age on the date of publishing of the advertisement. Age relaxation for candidates belonging to OBC/SC/ST and P.W.D. will be as per Govt. Rules.


The application must be addressed to the District and sessions Judge, Nalbari and reach during working hours on or before 31st August, 2020.

Applicant must indicate prominently as “Post applied for Driver” on the envelope (Size: 5’’x10’’ approx.) containing the application.

Candidates must furnish the following documents with the application:
a) 3 (three) copies of recent passport sized photographs
b) Valid Driving License
c) Age proof certificate,
d) Educational qualification certificate,
e) Caste certificate if any,
f) Must have 5 years Experience.
g) An Undertaking that no criminal cases pending against him and no court of India convicted him if or any criminal proceeding and or he has executed a bond before any criminal courts of India with regard to maintain Peace/harmony and tranquility in the area.

Last Date: 31.08.2020

Advt. Details

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