SBI Guwahati Recruitment 2020: 05 Resolver Vacancy

SBI Guwahati Recruitment 2020

SBI Guwahati Recruitment 2020, Applications are invited for 05 Resolver Vacancy in Local Head Office,

Name Of Posts: Resolver
No Of Posts: 05 nos

General Eligibility:

  • The retired officer should have a good track record of performance and deep knowledge of systems and procedures.
  • The retired officer should have retired from the Bank’s service only on attaining superannuation at the age of 60 years. The officers voluntarily retired/ resigned/suspended who have left the Bank otherwise before superannuation are not eligible for consideration of appointment.
  • The officer should maintain good health.
  • The integrity of the office should not have been doubtful.
  • No punishment/ penalty should have been inflicted on the official during five years of his service in the Bank preceding his retirement.
  • Cases of CBI or other law enforcement agencies should not be pending against the official.
  • The engagement shall be up to the maximum age of 65 years, subject to other conditions regarding renewal of the contract. As such, the ex-officer should not be more than 63 years of age at the time of engagement.

Scale: Retired Officers of SBI/eABs (Scale-II to IV)

Selection Process:

• Candidates will be selected through an interview process. Intimation for interview will be sent to the shortlisted candidates through email.
• Preference will be given to the officials who have worked in Technology areas, the Customer Service Department and CPPC/RACPC/SMEs.

HOW TO APPLY For SBI Guwahati Recruitment 2020:

The application form complete in all respect may be sent to PBBU & CS department, LHO, Guwahati by mail at

Last Date: 10.12.2020

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