RBI Recruitment 2021: 241 Security Guards Vacancy

RBI Recruitment 2021

RBI Recruitment 2021, Online application are invited for 241 Security Guards Vacancy in Reserve Bank of India.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of PostsNo Of Posts
Security Guards241 nos

Qualification Details:

The candidate should have passed 10th Standard (S.S.C./Matriculation) from recognized State Education Board or equivalent.


Security Guards will draw a starting basic pay of ₹10940/- per month in the scale of 10940-380 (4)-12460- 440(3) -13780-520(3)-15340-690 (2)-16720- 860(4) – 20160 – 1180 (3)- 23700 (20 years) and other allowances, viz: Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Local Compensatory Allowance, Transport Allowance, Personal Fixed Allowance, Shift Allowance, Special Functional Allowance, Special Allowance (I), Grade Allowance, Washing Allowance etc. as admissible from time to time. At present, initial monthly Gross emoluments for Security Guards is approximately ₹27,678/- including House Rent Allowance @ of 15%.

Age Limit:

Normal age limit of 25 years (28 years for OBC and 30 years for SC/ST as per category relaxation provided by the Government of India) as on January 01, 2021

Application Fee:

Rs. 50/- shall be payable from January 22, 2021–February 12, 2021.

HOW TO APPLY RBI Recruitment 2021:

  • Candidates are required to apply only online using the website www.rbi.org.in from January 22, 2021 – February 12, 2021.
  • Candidates satisfying the conditions of eligibility as of January 01, 2021, are first required to visit the URL “Recruitment for the post of Security Guards 2020” on Bank’s website i.e. www.rbi.org.in>Opportunities@RBI>Current Vacancies > Vacancies, and click on the hyperlink “Online Application Form”

Important Dates:

Online Start22.01.2021
Last Date12.01.2021
Schedule of Online Test (Tentative)FEBRUARY/MARCH 2021

Important Links:

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