Patharkandi College Recruitment 2020: Apply For 20 Asstt. Professor, Laboratory Assistant/Bearer Vacancy

Patharkandi College Recruitment 2020

Patharkandi College Recruitment 2020, Application in standard Form with complete bio-data along with self-attested copies of Certificates and mark sheets from HSLC onwards are invited.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts:

1. Assistant Professor
No Of Posts: 15 nos

(Botany-03, Chemistry-03, Mathematics-03, Physics-03, Zooology-03)

Qualifications: UGC norms as per Govt. guidelines
Salary: UGC 7th pay Scale (Rs. 57700-182400/-)

2. Laboratory Assistant
No Of Posts: 01 nos

Qualifications: Graduate and Computer knowledge will be preferable.
Salary: Rs. 14,000-60,500/-

3. Laboratory Bearer
No of posts: 04 nos

Qualifications: HSLC Passed
Salary: Rs. 12,000-52,000/-

Age: 38 years


Applications with complete biodata, contact details, E-mail id, and self-attested copies of all testimonials from HSLC onwards along with a non-refundable A/C payee demand draft of Re. 2000/- for the post of Asstt. Professor, Rs. 1000/- for the post of Laboratory Assistant and Rs 500/- for the post of Laboratory Bearer only to be drawn in favor of the “Principal, Patharkandi College, Patharkandi payable at the PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK, kathaltai Bazar branch at Patharkandi, Dist. Karimganj

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