NFL Recruitment 2020: Apply For 40 Engineer, Manager Posts Vacancy

NFL Recruitment 2020

NFL Recruitment 2020 Applications For invited 40 experienced professionals Engineer, Manager Posts Vacancy.

Vacancy Details

Name Of Posts:

  1. Discipline: Production

Engineer: 07 nos (UR-05, SC-01, OBC-01)
Manager: 06 nos (UR-05, OBC-01)

Qualifications: Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Chemical Engineering/Chemical Technology from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Chemical Engineering.

  1. Discipline: Mechanical

Engineer: 08 nos (UR-05, SC-01, OBC-02)(Backlog-01)
Manager: 06 nos (UR-05, OBC-01)

Qualifications: Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Mechanical Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Mechanical Engineering.

  1. Discipline: Electrical

Engineer: 01 nos (UR) (Backlog-02)
Manager: 02 nos (Backlog)

Qualifications: Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Electrical Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Electrical Engineering

  1. Discipline: Instrumentation

Engineer: 04 nos (UR-03, OBC-01)(Backlog-01)

Qualifications: Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Instrumentation / Electronics & Communication /Instrumentation & Electronics /Electronics & Electrical Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Electronics & Communication Engineering.

  1. Discipline: Civil

Engineer: 01 nos (UR)

Qualifications: Minimum 60% marks in Degree (B. Tech./ B.E.) in Civil Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Civil Engineering

  1. Discipline: Fire and Safety

Engineer: 01 nos (UR)

Qualifications: Minimum 60% marks in Degree (B. Tech./ B.E.) in Fire Engg. /Safety & Fire Engg.
Minimum 60% marks in Degree (B. Tech./ B.E./ BSc Engg.) in Electrical / Mechanical/Chemical with Divisional Officers Course from National Fire Service College (NFSC), Nagpur


Engineer (E-1): Rs. 40000-140000/-
Manager (E-4): Rs. 70000-200000/-

Age: 30 to 45 yrs

Application Fee: UR / EWS / OBC candidates are required to send a Non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 700/- through Demand Draft in favor of NATIONAL FERTILIZERS LIMITED payable at NEW DELHI. However, SC/ ST/ ExSM, PwBD, and Departmental candidates are not required to pay the Application Fee.

HOW TO APPLY NFL Recruitment 2020

Candidates fulfilling the prescribed eligibility criteria should download and print the prescribed Application Form proforma available on the NFL website> Careers> Recruitment in NFL>Recruitment of experienced technical professionals- 2020. The Application Form duly filled and signed, along with self-attested copies of the documents/certificates, as mentioned at Sl. No. G.7 should reach in a sealed envelope cover super-scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF __ (POST NAME) – 2020” at the following address:

“Chief Manager (HR), National Fertilizers Limited,
A-11, Sector-24, Noida, District Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh – 201301”

The last date of receipt of duly complete Application Form along with all requisite documents/certificates is 25.09.2020 unless extended and notified on NFL‟s website. However, the last date for receipt of Application Forms of candidates presently residing in the far-flung area i.e. Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Union territory of Ladakh, Lahul & Spiti District & Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands & Lakshadweep is 01.10.2020.

Last Date: 25.09.2020

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