MHRB Recruitment 2021
MHRB Recruitment 2021, Online applications are invited for 476 Medical & Health Officer-I Vacancy Medical and Health Recruitment Board, Assam.
Name Of Posts: Medical & Health Officer-I
No Of Posts: 476 nos
Qualification: The minimum qualification is MBBS Degree from any recognized University under MCI (Medical Council of India) and the candidate must be registered under Assam Medical Council.
Condition: Govt. servant joining the service of the State Govt. on or after 1st February 2005 shall not be governed by the Assam Service (Pension) Rules 1969 and orders issued thereunder from time to time. So far as their pension and other retirement benefits are concerned they will be governed by a new set of Pension Rules, which are already formulated with the New Pension Scheme 2005.
Scale of pay MHRB Recruitment 2021: Rs.30,000/- – 1,10,000/-+ Grade Pay Rs. 12,700/- plus other allowances as admissible under the Rules.
a) In addition there is the provision of payment of Rural Incentive @ 4000/- per month and also for doctors serving in Rural / Sixth Schedule Areas. Also, there is a provision for allowing Non-Practicing Allowance.
b) Further, there is the provision of (five) advance increments for candidates passing out from recognized University and registered under Assam Medical Council for Post Graduate Degree holders & 2 (two) advance increments for Diploma Holders.
Age Limit: Age: A candidate should not be less than 21 years of age and not more than 38 years of age as of 01/01/2020. The upper age limit is relaxable by (if applicable) –
i. 5 years for SC/ST candidates i.e. upto 43 years
ii. 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates i.e. upto 41 years as per Govt. notification No. ABP.6/2016/9 dated Dispur the 25th April, 2018.
iii. For Persons with Disabilities (PWD) by 10 years irrespective of SC/ST/OBC and General Category of candidates as per Govt. Notification No. ABP.144/95/121 dated Dispur the 28th October, 2015.
Application fees MHRB Recruitment 2021:
- The application must be accompanied by a required application fee of Rs. 250/- (rupees two hundred fifty) only for General category candidates and Rs. 150/- (rupees one hundred fifty) only for OBC/MOBC/SC/ST (P)/ST (H) candidate.
- No application fee is required for candidates having BPL certificate and PWD certificate.
- Application fee should be deposited only, through Treasury Challan in the Head of Account “0210-Medical and Public Health-01-Urban Health Services-800-Other Receipt”. The fees are not refundable and no other mode of deposit of fee other than through Treasury Challan shall be accepted. OR
- Fees can be deposited online using Government Receipt Accounting System-GRAS (Website: Candidates may pay the requisites fees (as admissible for the category mentioned above). A printed copy of Treasury Challan generated through GRAS should be submitted along with the application form. In the Remarks column, the candidate may write the post applied for.
Process of MHRB Recruitment 2021: Viva-Voce/Interview.
HOW TO APPLY MHRB Recruitment 2021:
Eligible candidates may apply online through the website-
Last Date: 15.01.2021