Goalpara Judiciary Recruitment 2021: Sheristader/Chief Administrative Officer Vacancy

Goalpara Judiciary Recruitment 2021

Goalpara Judiciary Recruitment 2021, Application are invited from the experienced person of the Establishments of the District and Sessions Judges and other equivalent Courts of Assam.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts: Sheristader/Chief Administrative Officer

Qualification: The candidate must be a graduate and must have served either a Sheristader of Addl. District and Sessions Judge or a Head Assistant in the District and Sessions Judge Establishment or equivalent courts continuously for a minimum period of 5 Years.

Salary: Pay Band-IV -of Rs.30,000/- to Rs.1,1000/- with Grade pay of Rs.14,500/- pe5 month.

HOW TO APPLY For Goalpara Judiciary Recruitment 2021:

The intending candidates shall submit their applications through the proper channel including an experience certificate issued by the respective District and Sessions Judge or equivalent courts along with copies of the service book, five years ACRs with proof of requisite educational qualification supported by two recent passport size photographs. the applications should reach the office of the District and Sessions Judge, Goalpara on or before 31.05.2021.

Last Date: 31.05.2021

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