Forensic Science Assam Recruitment 2020: Apply For 04 Junior Assistant (LDA) Posts Vacancy

Forensic Science Assam Recruitment 2020

Forensic Science Assam Recruitment 2020, Applications are invited from the intending eligible candidates who are citizens of India in the prescribed standard form of application published in Part- IX of Assam Gazette having Registration Number in employment exchange in the state of Assam.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of the Posts: Junior Assistant (LDA)
No Of Posts: 04 nos (UR-01, STP-01, OBC/MOBC-02)

Qualifications :
a) The applicants must be Graduate in any discipline from a recognized University.
b) The candidates must possess a minimum 6 (six) months Diploma/Certificates in Computer proficiency from a recognized institute. They must have good working knowledge of office productivity software tools (independent of any operating system, i.e. MS Windows, Linux, MAC, etc.) such as Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation graphics, concept of database, internet and email.

Age: The candidate should not be less than 18 years and more than 38 years of age as on 01.01.2020.

Salary: Scale of pay of PB-2 Rs.14000-49,000 + Grade Pay Rs. 8700 p.m. plus other allowances as admissible under Rules.

HOW TO APPLY Forensic Science Assam Recruitment

Duly filled application along with all relevant documents/testimonials should reach the Directorate of Forensic Science, Assam Kahilipara, Guwahati —781019

Applicants should submit self-attested copies of the following documents along with the application.
(i) A latest passport size photograph.
(ii) Admit card/Certificate of HSLC examination.
(iii) Graduation Certificate and Mark sheet.
(iv) Employment Exchange Registration Certificate.
(v) Computer Diploma/Certificate.
(vi) Caste Certificate (in case of reserved category candidates)

(vii) The candidates already employed should note that the prerogative for according permission to appear in Written Examination /join services on being selected by the Directorate of Forensic Science, Assam in due course of time shall rest upon the appropriate authority. The Directorate shall not be in any way responsible/accountable in the event of not according permission to appear in the written examination/join service after selection.
(viii) One self-addressed envelope (27cm x 13cm) with a postal stamp of Rs. 5.00 (Rupees five) only

Last Date: 30.09.2020

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