DME Document Verification Notice For Staff Nurse of Lakhimpur Medical College & Hospital

DME Document Verification Notice

Document Verification Notice, This is for information of all concerned that in reference to the Advt. No.Janasanyog/D/445/20, Dated: 08/05/2020, Corrigendum Notice No. Janasanyog/D/469/20, Dated: 09/05/2020 and Extension Notice No. Janasanyog/C/1105/20, Dated: 04/06/2020 (The Assam Tribune)

Name Of Posts: Staff Nurse

No Of Posts: 201 nos (UR-83, OBC/MOBC-54, SC-14, STP-20, STH-10, EWS-20, PwD-8)

Skill test and Document Verification for candidates for the posts of Staff Nurse of Lakhimpur Medical College & Hospital, North Lakhimpur will be held from 14-07-2020 to 21-07-2020 for which Call Letters will be issued online through the Official website of Directorate of Medical Education, Assam ( from 7th July 2020. Candidates are therefore directed to download the Call Letters and take a print out of the same. They must bring the printed copy of the Call Letters along with an original copy of all testimonials as well as one set of their Xerox copies and One copy of identity proof while appearing for the Skill Test and Document Verification.

New Schedule of Skill Test and Document Verification Date:

Roll Numbers Date Time Venue
10001 and 12800 30.07.2020 10 AM to 4 PM Gauhati Medical College Lecture
Hall, GMCH Auditorium
Complex, Bhangagarh, Guwahati
12801 and 15627 31.07.2020 10 AM to 4 PM Gauhati Medical College Lecture
Hall, GMCH Auditorium
Complex, Bhangagarh, Guwahati

New DME Document Verification Notice

Skill Test and Document Verification Date:

14-07-2020 to 21-07-2020

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