DLSA Biswanath Recruitment 2020: Apply For 30 Para Legal Volunteers Vacancy

DLSA Biswanath Recruitment 2020

DLSA Biswanath Recruitment 2020, Applications for invited from the local residents of the Biswanath District, for selection of 30 numbers of Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs) at Biswanath District under the District Legal Services Authority, Biswanath.

Vacancy Details

Name Of Posts:

  1. Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs)
    No Of Posts: 30 nos

Eligibility Criteria:

  • He/She must be a Citizen of India and a local resident of the Biswanath District.
  • He/She should have a mindset to assist the needy in society and have compassion, empathy, and concern for the upliftment of marginalized and weaker sections of the society.

HOW TO APPLY Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs):

Filled up the application with bio-data and photographs should reach the given address on or before 31.10.2020. The applicants should submit their Mobile/Contact Number, Email Id for further communication.


The Chairman,
District Legal Services Authority, Biswanath
SDJM (M) Court Campus, Biswanath
Biswanath Chariali, Dist: Biswanath, PIN-784176

Last Date: 31.10.2020

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