DFDO Tinsukia Recruitment 2021: 03 Fisherman & Grade-IV Vacancy

DFDO Tinsukia Recruitment 2021

DFDO Tinsukia Recruitment 2021, Application are invited for 03 Fisherman & Grade-IV Vacancy in District Fishery Development Officer, Na-pukhuri, Tinsukia, Assam.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts No fo Posts Salary Qualification
Fisherman 01 nos PB-1, Rs. 12000-52000/-, GP-3900/- Class VII Passed
Grade-IV 02 nos PB-1, Rs. 12000-52000/-, GP-3900/- Class VII Passed

Age Limit:

Candidates must not be less than 18 years or more than 40 years of age on 1.1.2021 as per Govt OM No. ABP 6/2016/51 Dated 02-09-2020.. The upper age limit of OBC/MOBC 43 years, SC/ST is 45 years, Ex-Serviceman is 42 years and Person with Disability is 50 years as per Notification existing Govt. norms.

HOW TO APPLY DFDO Tinsukia Recruitment 2021:

Candidates serving under Govt. should submit their application through propoer channel.

  • The application should be submitted by post/in dropbox to the Office of the District Fishery Dev. Officer, Tinsukia, Near-Na-Pukhuri Bus Stand, P.O. Tinsukia Pin Code-786125, Dist- Tinsukia, Assam during office hour.

The application must be accompanied by the following documents.

  • Self-attested copies of all certificates/Mark Sheets in support of educational qualification and other qualification along with age, caste certificate including valid Employment Registration Card.
  • Affix 1 (one) copy of recent self-attested passport size photograph in the application form and 2 (Two) copies of recent passport size photographs duly self-attested along with wh the applications.
  • The application will enclose a self-addressed envelope (size 22 cm x 10 cm) affixing postal stamps Rs.10.00/- along with the applications.

Last Date: 08.03.2021

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