DFDO Dhemaji Recruitment 2021: 02 Grade-IV Vacancy

DFDO Dhemaji Recruitment 2021

DFDO Dhemaji Recruitment 2021, Application are invited for 02 Grade-IV Vacancy in District Fishery Development Officer, Dhemaji.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts No fo Posts Salary Qualification
Grade-IV 02 nos (PB-1) Rs.12000/- to 52000/­ + GP- 3900/- Class-VIII Passed

Age Limit:

A Candidate must not be less than 18 years or not more than 40 years of age as on 01.01.2021.

HOW TO APPLY DFDO Dhemaji Recruitment 2021:

The application should be submitted to the Office of the District Fishery Development Officer, Dhemaji, Kulapather, Ward No.-6, P: O:-Dhemaji, PIN-787057.

The envelope containing the application must be addressed to the Office of the District Fishery Development Officer, Dhemaji, Kulapather, Ward No.6, PO:- Dhemajl, PIN-787057 and should be clearly marked “Application for the post of Grade IV”

The application must be accompanied by the following:-

  • Self-attested copies of all certificates/Mark Sheets of educational and other qualifications, age, caste along with other testimonials including valid Employment Registration card.
  • Affix one copy of the recent self-attested passport size photograph in the application form and two copies of the recent passport size photograph duly self-attested along with the application.
  • The application will enclose a self-addressed envelope affixing a Postal Stamp of Rs. 10/- along with the application

Last Date: 06.03.2021

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