DC Majuli Recruitment 2020: Apply Online For 03 Junior Assistant, Copyist Vacancy

DC Majuli Recruitment 2020

DC Majuli Recruitment 2020, Applications are invited online through https://niyukti.assam.gov.in/maiuli from citizens of India as defined in Articles-S&B of the Constitution of India for filling up 2 (twoJ posts off junior Assistant (Grade- III) and 01(one) post of Copyist (Grade-III) in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Majuli.

Vacancy Details

Name Of Posts:

  1. Junior Assistant
    No Of Posts: 02 nos (UR-01, OBC-01)

Salary: Rs. 14,000/- to Rs.60,500/-, Grade pay: Rs. 6,200/-

  1. Copyist
    No Of Posts: 01 nos (UR)

Salary: Rs. 14,000/- to Rs.60,500/-, Grade pay: Rs. 5,600/-

Qualification For DC Majuli Recruitment 2020:

  • The minimum educational qualification of candidates for both the posts – junior Assistant and Copyist- shall be graduate in Arts/Science/ Commerce from a recognized State/Central University or a Degree equivalent thereof and recognized as such by the State /Central Govt.
  • Candidates for the post of Junior Assistant must possess a minimum of 06(six) months Diploma in Computer Application from an institute recognized by State/Central Government and have proficiency in basic computer applications like MS Windows, Linux, MAC, EXCEL, Powerpoint, DTP( English and Assamese) and internet processing, etc.


Candidate must not be less than 18 years of age and not more than 40 years of age as on 0l.01.2020. The upper age limit is relaxable for candidates belonging to SC/ST categories up to 45 years; for candidates belonging to OBC/MoBC categories up to 43 years; for candidates belonging to the ex-Servicemen category up to 42 years and for candidates belonging to Persons with Disabilities category up 50 years as per Govt. OM No.ABP.06/201.6/51; dated 02/09/2020 issued by the government of Assam in Personnel(B) Department,

HOW TO APPLY For DC Majuli Recruitment 2020:

Interested candidates can apply through online https://niyukti.assam.gov.in/maiuli/

Applicants must upload the following documents/ testimonials along with the application:

  • One recent passport size photograph.
  • Specimen Signature
  • Admit Card/Pass Certificate & mark sheet of HSLC Examination
  • Certificate/Mark sheet of Graduation
  • Computer proficiency certificate
  • Caste certificate(if applicable)
  • Employment Exchange Registration Certificate
  • Experience certificate (if any).


Online Start: 13.10.2020
Last Date: 27.10.2020


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