DC Barpeta Recruitment 2021: 25 Mandal Vacancy

DC Barpeta Recruitment 2021

DC Barpeta Recruitment 2021, Application are invited for 25 Mandal Vacancy in Deputy Commissioner Barpeta, Assam.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts No Of Posts
Mandal 25 nos

Qualification Details:

HSLC Passed with 6 months Recorders Course Class Certificate from Assam Survey and settlement/Re-settlement operation of Assam.

Salary Details:

Rs. 14,000-60500/-, GP-6,200/-, PB-2 per month plus other allowances as admissibke as per rules.

HOW TO APPLY DC Barpeta Recruitment 2021:

candidate must have registered his/her name in the employment exchange and registration number along with the dates must be mentioned in their applications.
The applicant must be accompanied by the following:

  • Self-attested copies of all certificates of educational and other qualifications, age, caste along with other testimonials.
  • Two copies of recent passport size photograph duly attested by a gazetted officer.
  • The applicants are required to enclose a self-address envelope affixing a postal stamp of Rs. 5/- along with the application.

Application and other documents should be put inside an envelope. On which the applicant should clearly mention the post applied for.

Last Date: 08.02.2021

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