Cultural Department Assam Recruitment 2020: Apply For 19 Grade-III Vacancy

Cultural Department Assam Recruitment 2020

Cultural Department Assam Recruitment 2020, Applications in Standard Form as prescribed in Part-IX of Assam Gazette are invited from the eligible candidates who are citizens of India for filling up of following Grade-III vacant posts in the Directorate of Cultural Affairs, Assam.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts:

1. Publication Assistant
No of Posts: 01 nos (UR)

Qualification: Graduate with Major in English or Assamese from a recognized University/Institution and Degree or P.G Diploma in Journalism of minimum 1(one) year from a recognized University/institution.
Other Qualification: Candidate must have sufficient knowledge of Cultural History, of Eastern India in general and must possess, basic knowledge in printing layouts and publication Candidate must have minimum 3 (three) years experience of working in print / electronic media, etc.

Salary: PB–3 Rs. (22,000/- to 87,000/-)+ Grade Pay Rs. 9,400/- p.m plus other allowances as admissible under rules.

2. Sr. Photographer
No of Posts: 01 nos (UR)

Qualification: Graduate in Science /Arts /Commerce from a recognized university along with a minimum of 1 (one) year diploma/ certificate in Photography from a recognized Institute.
Other Qualification: Minimum 3(three) years experience in the field of photography /Graphic Design and Animation.

Salary: PB–3 Rs. (22,000/- to 87,000/)+ Grade Pay Rs. 9,400/- p.m plus other allowances as admissible under rules.

3. Stage light operator
No of Posts: 01 nos (OBC)

Qualification: Minimum 10+2 or equivalent from a recognized University or Board.
Other Qualification: Candidate must be a License holder / ITI Certificate holder and experience of working as a Lighting Technician in a minimum of 15 theater productions. He /she should have adequate technical knowledge of handling all sorts of stage lighting equipment.

Salary: PB–2 Rs. (14,000/- to 60500/-)+ Grade Pay 5,200/- p.m plus other allowances as admissible under rules

4. Drama Artist
No of Posts: 05 nos (UR-02, OBC-01, EWS-01, RFW-01)

Qualification: Graduate in Arts/ Science/ Commerce from any recognized University along with a minimum of 1 (one) year degree / Diploma in Dramatic Art/Performing Arts / Theater art from a recognized University /Institute.
OR Bachelor’s degree in Performing Arts /Dramatic Arts/ Theater art from a recognized University.
Graduate in Arts/ Science/ Commerce from a recognized University and proof of performance as an actor ( in a leading role) in a minimum of 15 theater productions under different reputed Theater Directors.
Other Qualification: Preference will be given to the candidates having knowledge and experience of Acting/Direction/Choreography/Design etc. and must be fluent in the Assamese language.

Salary: PB–2 Rs. (14,000/- to 60500/-)+ Grade Pay 5,200/- p.m plus other allowances as admissible under rules

5. Junior Assistant (HQ)
No Of Posts: 01 nos (STP)

Qualification: Candidate should be a graduate in any discipline from any recognized university and must possess computer skills with working knowledge in M.S. Office Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.
Essential requirement: Proficiency in both Assamese and English writing & computer typing skill.

Salary: PB–2 Rs. (14,000/- to 60500/-)+ Grade Pay 6,200/- p.m plus other allowances as admissible under rules

6. Junior Assistant (District level)
No of Posts: 05 nos (UR-02, OBC-02, SC-01)

Qualification: Candidate should be a graduate in any discipline from any recognized university and must possess computer skills with working knowledge in M.S. Office Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.
Essential requirement: Proficiency in Assamese and English writing & computer typing skill.

Salary: PB–2 Rs. (14,000/- to 60500/-)+ Grade Pay 6,200/- p.m plus other allowances as admissible under rules

7. Demonstrator of Sattriya Nritya
No of Posts: 01 nos (OBC)

i) Must have passed 10+2 examination from a recognized Board/ Council.
ii) Bachelor’s degree in Sattriya Dance from a recognized University.
iii) At least 5 (five) years teaching experience on the subject concerned,
iii) Preference will be given to those candidates having higher qualification in the subject.
iv) Candidates must have good knowledge of the Assamese language.

Salary: PB–2 Rs. (14,000/- to 60500/-)+ Grade Pay 7,600/- p.m plus other allowances as admissible under rules

8. Accompanist Tanpura
No of Posts: 01 nos (UR)

i) Must have passed 10+2 examination from a recognized Board/ Council
ii) B. Music in Vocal from a recognized University.
iii) At least 5 (five) years of teaching experience on the subject concerned.
iv) Preference will be given to those candidates having higher qualification in the subject.
v) Candidates must have good knowledge of the Assamese language.

Salary: PB–2 Rs. (14,000/- to 60500/-)+ Grade Pay 5,200/- p.m plus other allowances as admissible under rules

9. Accompanist Tabla
No of Posts: 01 nos (UR)

i) Must have passed 10+2 examination from a recognized Board/ Council
ii) B. Music in Tabla from a recognized University
iii) At least 5 (five) years teaching experience on the subject concerned,
iii) Preference will be given to those candidates having higher qualification in the subject.
iv) Candidate must have good knowledge of the Assamese language.

Salary: PB–2 Rs. (14,000/- to 60500/-)+ Grade Pay 5,200/- p.m plus other allowances as admissible under rules

10. Library Assistant
No of Posts: 01 nos (UR)

Qualification: Candidate should be a Graduate in any discipline from any recognized university along with Degree/ Diploma in Library Science from a recognized University. Candidates must possess computer skills with working knowledge in M.S. Office Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.
Essential Requirement: Proficiency in Assamese and English writing & computer typing skill

Salary: PB–2 Rs. (14,000/- to 60500/-)+ Grade Pay 6,200/- p.m plus other allowances as admissible under rules

11. Instructor of Govt. College
No Of Posts: 01 nos (OBC)

Qualification: Degree in Visual Art, Painting from a recognized university. The candidates must have at least 3 years of teaching experience on the subject concerned.

Salary: PB–2 Rs. (14,000/- to 60500/-)+ Grade Pay 7,600/- p.m plus other allowances as admissible under rules

Age: 18 years to 38 years as on 1st January 2020. The upper age limit is
(i) relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST candidates as per O.M. No. ABP06/ 2016/04, dated 03rd March 2016
(ii) Relaxable up to 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates as per Govt. Notification No. ABP.6/2016/9 dated 25th April 2018.

Application fee: Nil


The application in prescribed format must be accompanied by the following: Applicants shall furnish self-attested copies of the following documents declared by himself/herself as certified to be a true copy of the original along with the application-

(i) Pass Certificate and Mark sheet from HSLC onward.
(ii) Age proof certificate ( H.S.L.C admit card /Pass certificate )
(iii) Caste certificate, if any.
(iv) Employment Exchange Registration Card.
(v) Valid documents supporting the qualifications.
(vi) Computer Diploma/Certificate for a minimum of 6 (six) months duration ( in case of Publication Assistant, Junior Assistant, Library Assistant).
(vii) Experience certificate, if any
(viii) Affix 1(one) copy of recent self-attested passport size photograph in the application form and another 2(two) copies should be enclosed along with the application.
(ix) 1 (one) No. of Self addressed envelope affixing postal stamp of Rs. 5/-. The name of the post applied for should be clearly written in ‘Bold letters’ at the top of the Envelope containing the application form.

Candidates must have registered their names in Employment Exchange and Registration No. with date must be mentioned in their application form.

Applications should reach the office of the undersigned through post only.

Address for sending the applications by post: Directorate Cultural Affairs, Assam, Ambari, Guwahati-781001.

Last Date: 31.08.2020 up to 5 p.m.

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