CRPF Recruitment 2021: 25 Assistant Commandant Vacancy

CRPF Recruitment 2021

CRPF Recruitment 2021, Applications are invited for 25 Assistant Commandant Vacancies in The Central Reserve Police Force.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts:-Assistant Commandant (Civil/Engineer)
No Of Posts:-25 nos
Qualification:-Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering
Salary:-Level 10 (Rs. 56100-177500/-)
Age Limit:-Not exceeding 35 years

Application Fees:

  • Male candidates belonging to the Unreserved/EWS/OBC category applying for recruitment should deposit Rs. 400/- only as an examination fee.
  • The fee may be sent through Indian Postal Orders and Bank Drafts only which is issued on or after 30.06.2021.
  • Candidates who have to pay the application fee can pay through Indian Postal Order or Bank Draft in favor of DIG, Group Centre, CRPF, Rampur payable at SBI-Rampur


The application must be submitted by hand/post only. The duly filled application form with photocopies of all relevant documents, 02 latest passport size photographs, and 02 envelopes mentioning correspondence address of the applicant with requisite stamps should be mailed/deposited. The application will be rejected in case of non-receipt of photographs. The name of the examination i.e. “Central Reserve Police Force Assistant Commandant (Engineer/Civil) Exam, 2021” should be written on the top of the envelope before dispatching it to “DIG, Group Centre, CRPF, Rampur, District-Rampur, U.P.-244901”.


Opening date for application30.06.2021
Closing date of application29.07.2021

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