BSF Recruitment 2021: 175 ASI, Constable, Para Medical Staff & Veterinary Staff Vacancy

BSF Recruitment 2021

BSF Recruitment 2021, Online applications are invited from eligible and interested Male and Female Indian citizens for 175 ASI, Constable, Para Medical Staff & Veterinary Staff Vacancy in Border Security Force.

Details Of Vacancy:

Name Of PostsNo Of Posts
Assistant Aircraft Mechanic (Assistant Sub Inspector)49 nos
Assistant Radio Mechanic (Assistant Sub- Inspector)08 nos
Constable (Storeman)08 nos
SI (Staff Nurse)37 nos
ASI Operation Theatre Technician01 nos
ASI Laboratory Technician28 nos
CT (Ward Boy/Ward Girl/ Aya)09 nos
HC Veterinary20 nos
Constable (Kennelman)15 nos

Qualifications BSF Recruitment 2021:

Name Of PostsNo Of Posts
Assistant Aircraft Mechanic (Assistant Sub Inspector)Three years Diploma in the relevant trade (Mechanical, Avionics) OR Group “X” Diploma
Assistant Radio Mechanic (Assistant Sub- Inspector)Three years Diploma in Telecommunication or Electronics Engineering OR Group “X” Radio Diploma
Constable (Storeman)Matriculation pass with Science or equivalent
SI (Staff Nurse)10+2 or Equivalent, Degree/Diploma In General Nursing Programme
Registration as General Nurse and Midwife with Central or State Nursing Council.
ASI Operation Theatre Technician10+2 with Science or its equivalent plus Diploma in Operation Technique or Certificate in relevant subject
ASI Laboratory Technician10+2 with science or equivalent
Diploma in medical laboratory technology
CT (Ward Boy/Ward Girl/ Aya)Pass in Matriculation or equivalent
HC Veterinary12th Class, Possessing minimum one year course in Veterinary Stock Assistant
Constable (Kennelman)10th Class, Two years experience in handling of animals from Government Veterinary hospital
or dispensary of Veterinary College or Government Farm

Salary Details:

Name Of PostsSalary
Assistant Aircraft Mechanic (Assistant Sub Inspector)Pay Matrix Level-5 (Rs. 29,200-Rs. 92,300/-) as per 7th CPC
Assistant Radio Mechanic (Assistant Sub- Inspector)Pay Matrix Level-5 (Rs. 29,200-Rs. 92,300/-) as per 7th CPC
Constable (Storeman)Pay Matrix Level-3 (Rs. 21,700 – 69,100/-) as per 7th CPC
SI (Staff Nurse)Level-6, Rs. 35,400-1,12,400/-
ASI Operation Theatre TechnicianLevel-5 (Rs. 29,200-92,300/-)
ASI Laboratory TechnicianLevel-5 (Rs. 29,200-92,300/-)
CT (Ward Boy/Ward Girl/ Aya)Level-3 (Rs. 21,700-69,100/-)
HC VeterinaryLevel-4, (25,500-81,100/-)
Constable (Kennelman)Level-3, (21,700-69,100/-)
  • Age Limit: Between 20 to 28 years

HOW TO APPLY BSF Recruitment 2021:

Eligible candidates may apply online through official website Candidates are advised to login for detailed advertisement , which will be opened on 27.06.2021 for submission of online application and closed on 26.07.2021.


Online Start27.06.2021
Last Date26.07.2021


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