BRM Govt Model College DoomDooma Recruitment 2020: Apply For 11 Assistant, Bearer & Others Posts Vacancy

BRM Govt Model College DoomDooma Recruitment 2020

BRM Govt Model College DoomDooma Recruitment 2020 applications are invited in the prescribed format of Assam Government Part IX. Standard Form with complete Bio-Data (including contact number, email) and self-attested copies of all testimonials from H.S.L.C. onwards are hereby invited from eligible candidates for the following posts within the stipulated date and time.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts:

  1. Library Assistant
    No Of Posts: 01 nos (UR)

Qualification: Candidates must process a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or any examination declared equivalent by the Government and must process computer skill for handing data and text on computer.
Salary: Rs. 14000-49000, AGP 5600/-

  1. Junior Assistant
    No Of Posts: 03 nos (UR-02, OBC/MOBC-01)

Qualification: Candidates must process a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or any examination declared equivalent by the Government and must process computer skill for handing data and text on computer.
Salary: Rs. 14000-49000, AGP 5600/-

  1. Library Bearer
    No Of Posts: 01 nos (UR)

Qualification: HSLC Passed
Salary: Rs. 12000-37500, AGP 4400/-

  1. Grade- IV
    No Of Posts: 04 nos (UR-02, OBC/MOBC-01, STP-01)

Qualification: HSLC Passed
Salary: Rs. 12000-37500, AGP 3900/-

  1. Chowkidar
    No Of Posts: 02 nos (UR-01, OBC/MOBC-01)

Qualification: HSLC Passed
Salary: Rs. 12000-37500, AGP 3900/-

Age : Candidate should not be more than 38 years of age as on 01-01-2020 with relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/PWD and 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates.


The soft copy of application to be sent via Email: to the Principal, BRM Govt. Model College, DoomDooma and hard copy to be submitted at the time of interview only.

Last Date: 15 Days

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