ARIAS Society Recruitment 2020: Apply For 13 Coordinator, Data Analyst, DEO Posts Vacancy

ARIAS Society Recruitment 2020

ARIAS Society Recruitment 2020 invites applications for the 13 Coordinator, Data Analyst, Jr. Administrative Assistant, DEO Posts purely contractual positions under the World Bank Financed Assam Citizen Centric Service Delivery Project (ACCSDP) & Assam Agribusiness & Rural Transformation Project (APART).

Vacancy Details

Name Of The Posts:

  1. District Horticulture Coordinator
    No Of Posts: 03 nos

Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture/Horticulture from any recognized university/ Institution.

  1. Data Analyst
    No Of Posts: 01 nos

Qualification: Master in Statistics/Economics or closely related subject from any recognized university. Should have good skills on Data administration, data management, computer and information technology.

  1. Junior Administrative Assistant
    No Of Posts: 01 nos

Qualification: The Jr. AA must be a Graduate (minimum three (3) years duration) degree in any field from recognized University/institution.

  1. Data Entry Operator
    No Of Posts: 08 nos

Qualification: The DEO should possess at least a Graduate (minimum three years duration) Degree in any field from recognized University/institution.

Salary: Rs. 1.98 To Rs. 10.80 per Year (in Lakh)

Age: 35 to 45 yrs


Potential candidates (from India) having essential qualification and experience have to apply through a soft copy of the application & the supporting documents which are to be sent by email. The application shall be submitted only in the English language, as per the prescribed Application format provided in the website of ARIAS Society along with a scanned copy of a signed cover-letter and self-attested copies of the supporting documents. The soft copy of the application, cover letter& the supporting documents has to be received by email to /

Last Date: 30.09.2020

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