Aniruddhadeva Sports University Recruitment 2020: Assistant, Operator & Others 09 Posts [Walk-In]

Aniruddhadeva Sports University Recruitment 2020

Aniruddhadeva Sports University Recruitment 2020 for 09 Posts of Assistant, Operator & Others [Walk-In]

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts No of Posts Date & Time of Interview
Personal Assistant
to Vice Chancellor
01 nos 17th July,2020 from
12.00 noon on wards
Office Assistant
cum Stenographer
01 nos 17th July,2020 from
12.00 noon on wards
Computer Operator 01 nos 17th July,2020 from
12.00 noon on wards
Graphic Designer
& Typist
01 nos 17th July,2020 from
12.00 noon on wards
MTS (Multi
Tasking Staff)
02 nos 20th July,2020 from
12.00 noon onwards
Grade-IV 01 nos 20th July,2020 from
12.00 noon onwards
Mali 01 nos 20th July,2020 from
12.00 noon onwards
Sweeper 01 nos 20th July,2020 from
12.00 noon onwards

Qualification Details:

  1. Personal Assistant to Vice-Chancellor: Graduate in any discipline with fluency in Assamese & English. Certificate in Stenography with computer knowledge (both Assamese & English) and proficiency in MS Office.

Salary: Rs. 18,000/- PM

  1. Office Assistant cum Stenographer: Graduate in any discipline with fluency in Assamese & English. Certificate in Stenography with computer knowledge (both Assamese & English) and proficiency in MS Office.

Salary: Rs. 18,000/- PM

  1. Computer Operator: Graduate in any discipline with fluency in Assamese & English. Certificate in Stenography with computer knowledge (both Assamese & English) and proficiency in MS Office.

Salary: Rs. 15,000/- PM

  1. Graphic Designer & Typist: Graduation in any discipline with Diploma in Graphic Designing.

Salary: Rs. 15,000/- PM

  1. MTS (Multi Tasking Staff): Higher Secondary (10+2) passed or equivalent certificate.

Salary: Rs. 10,000/- PM

  1. Grade-IV: Class X Passed.

Salary: Rs. 10,000/- PM

  1. Mali: Up to Class X

Salary: Rs. 10,000/- PM

  1. Sweeper: Up to Class X

Salary: Rs. 9,000/- PM

Venue: Office of the Vice-Chancellor Sri Aniruddhadeva Sports University, Chabua, Temporary Camp at DICC (District Industries and Commerce) Building 2nd Floor, Dibrugarh

Advt. Details

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