AIIMS Recruitment 2020: Advisor, Accounts Officer, Engineer & Others At BHUBANESWAR & GUWAHATI (18 Posts)

AIIMS Recruitment 2020:

AIIMS Recruitment 2020, Applications are invited in prescribed Pro-forma from eligible Officers of Central/State Government/U.T/Autonomous Bodies/Universities/Public Sector Undertaking/R&D Organization as applicable for filling up the following Group ‘A’ Posts on Deputation Basis at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar and All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Guwahati.

AIIMS Recruitment 2020
Bhubaneswar Vacancy Details
Name Of Posts No of Posts Salary
Financial Advisor 01 nos Level-13 as per 7th CPC (Rs.123100-215900)
Finance and Chief Accounts Officer (Sr. Accounts Officer) 01 nos Level-11 as per 7th CPC (Rs. 67700 – 208700)
Chief Dietician 01 nos Level-11 as per 7th CPC (Rs. 67700 – 208700)
Executive Engineer (Civil) 01 nos Level-11 as per 7th CPC (Rs. 67700 – 208700)
Executive Engineer (A/C&R) 01 nos Level-11 as per 7th CPC (Rs. 67700 – 208700)
Hospital Architect 01 nos Level-11 as per 7th CPC (Rs. 67700 – 208700)
Nursing Superintendent 03 nos Level-11 as per 7th CPC (Rs. 67700 – 208700)
Chief Medical Social Service Officer 01 nos Level-11 as per 7th CPC (Rs. 67700 – 208700)
Accounts Office 03 nos Level-10 as per 7th CPC (Rs. 56100 –177500)
Guwahati Vacancy Details
Financial Advisor 01 nos Level-13 as per 7th CPC (Rs.123100-215900)
Superintending Engineer 01 nos Level-13 as per 7th CPC (Rs.123100-215900)
Executive Engineer (Civil) 01 nos Level-11 as per 7th CPC (Rs. 67700 – 208700)
Executive Engineer (Electrical) 01 nos Level-11 as per 7th CPC (Rs. 67700 – 208700)
Administrative Officer 01 nos Level-10 as per 7th CPC (Rs. 56100-177500)
Educational Qualifications Details
Name Of Posts Qualifications
Financial Advisor Officers under the Central/State/U.T. Governments/University/Statutory/Autonomous Bodies or Research and Development Organizations.
Superintending Engineer Employees of the Central/State/Union Territory Governments/Universities/Central Statutory/Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertakings/Research & Development organizations holding analogous post
Executive Engineers with 5 years of regular service in the grade pay of Rs. 7600/-
Executive Engineer with 10 years of regular service in the grade pay of Rs.6600/-.
Finance and Chief Accounts Officer (Sr. Accounts Officer) Officers from any of the Central Organised Accounts Services holding analogous posts or posts in the grade pay of Rs.5400/- with 5 years of regular service in the grade.
Audit/ Accounts Officers from any of the Central Organised Accounts Departments with 7 years’ regular service in the grade pay of Rs. 4800/- or equivalent.
Chief Dietician Officers of the Central/State Govts. / Union Territory Administrations or of Autonomous/ Statutory bodies holding analogous posts on regular basis or with 5/8 years of regular service in the grade of Rs.5400/Rs.4800 respectively and possessing the following qualifications and experiences.
Executive Engineer (Civil) Executive Engineers (Civil) or Assistant. Engineers (Civil) with 8 years of regular service in that grade, from CPWD.
Executive Engineer (Electrical) Executive Engineers (Elec.) or Assistant. Engineers (Elec.) with 8 years of regular service in that grade, from CPWD.
Executive Engineer (A/C&R) Officers of CPWD-
(a) Holding an analogous post on regular basis or with 8 years of regular service in the post of Asst. Engineer (Elect);
(b) Possessing a Degree in Mechanical Engineering/Electrical Engineering; and
(c) Having at least 5 years of experience in A/C & R.
Nursing Superintendent Officers of the State/Central Government or Statutory/Autonomous Bodies holding analogous posts.
Administrative Officer Officers under the Central Govt., U.T. Administrations or of Central Statutory/Autonomous Bodies holding analogous post or with at least 3/5 of service in the post in the pay scale of Rs.2000-3500 / Rs.2000-3200(Revised to PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 with GP of Rs. 4600) or equivalent respectively and having a Degree and experience in administration and establishment matters and also preferably in Accounts matters. Officers possessing MBA or PG Diploma in Personnel Management shall be given preference.
Hospital Architect Architects or officers in equivalent grade in CPWD possessing a Degree in Architecture and having not less than 5 years’ experience in the line. In the event of suitable officers not being available from CPWD, similar officers from other Central Government departments or Central Autonomous/ Statutory Bodies or Public Sector Undertakings may be considered.
Chief Medical Social Service Officer Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University.
Accounts Officer Officers under the Central/ State/ U.T. Governments/ Universities/ Statutory/Autonomous Bodies or Health Care Organizations
The envelope containing the application(s) should be superscripted “Application for the Post of__________________________________________on Deputation Basis”. While forwarding their applications, it may be ensured that the particulars of the candidates are verified and that they fulfill the eligibility conditions. Duly attested photocopies of their up to date Confidential Reports (at least for the latest 05 years) may also be enclosed with the applications. It may also be clearly stated that no vigilance/disciplinary proceedings are pending or contemplated against the candidates concerned. Applications without Vigilance Clearance and attested copies of CR Dossiers will not be considered.
Address Assistant Administrative Officer, Recruitment Cell, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, At-Sijua, Post-Dumuduma, Patrapada, Bhubaneswar -751019.
Before Apply Please Read Official Notification
Last Date 30 days after publication of this advertisement in the Employment News.
Advt. & Application Form

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