AAU Jorhat Recruitment 2020: Apply For Computer Programmer, Field Assistant Vacancy

AAU Jorhat Recruitment 2020

AAU Jorhat Recruitment 2020, application for the invite for Computer Programmer, Field Assistant Vacancy in Assam Agricultural University.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts:

  1. Computer Programmer

Qualifications: Master Degree in Computer application.

Desirable Qualification: Minimum 2 years of working experience as a computer programmer in ay govt. office/Govt. recognized institutions.

Salary: Rs. 22,000/- to 87,000/- Plus GP Rs. 11,500/-

  1. Field Assistant-III

Qualifications: Graduate in Arts/Commerce/Science

Desirable Qualification:

  • Postgraduate diploma in computer application.
  • Minimum 2 years of working experience as a field supervisor in any experimental field of agriculture research/farm.

Salary: Rs. 14,000/- to 49,000/- plus GP- Rs. 8,700/-


Intending eligible candidates may submit their application through the proper channel. Candidate must deposit crossed IPO of Rs. 20/- drawn in favor of the Director of Research (Agri.), AAU, Jorhat-13, along with the application.

  • The applicant must mention the name of the post applied for on the top of the envelope submitting the application.
  • 2 copies of self-attested passport size photographs must be enclosed with the application.
  • Non-refundable application fee of Rs. 300/- (Rs. 150/- in case of SC/ST/PHD) in the shape of A/C payee Bank Draft of a Nationalized Bank drawn in favor of the ‘Director of Research (Agri.), Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13’, payable at Jorhat must be enclosed with the Application.
  • One self-addressed envelope affixing a postal stamp of Rs. 6 must be enclosed with the application.

Last Date: 19.11.2020

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