Tezpur University Vacancy 2020: Apply For JRF/RA Posts

Tezpur University Vacancy 2020

Tezpur University Vacancy, Applications are invited for the temporary positions of one (01) Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and one (01) Research Associate (RA) for a SERB-IMPRINT, Govt. of India sponsored project “Multi-crop Residue Processing Technology Package for Production of Fuel and Fertilizer” under the Principal Investigator Prof. Debendra Chandra Baruah, Department of Energy, Tezpur University.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts No of posts Salary
Junior Research Fellow (Engineering) 01 nos Rs. 31,000/- only +
HRA as admissible pm
Research Associate 01 nos Rs. 47,000/- only +
HRA as admissible pm

Qualifications Details:

  1. Junior Research Fellow:

M.Tech/M.E. in Mechanical Engineering/Chemical Engineering or MTech Energy Technology with BTech in Mechanical/Chemical Engineering (at-least 60% aggregate marks in the qualifying examination is essential)

  1. Research Associate:

Ph.D. in Physics/Chemistry or M.E/M.Tech. (Energy/Electronics Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/Electrical Engineering/ Environmental Engineering/Agricultural Engineering/Chemical Engineering) with 3 years of research/field experience in the relevant areas with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) and having at least 60% aggregate marks in the qualifying examination.

Junior Research Fellow (JRF): Candidate shall not be more than 28 years of age on the last date of receipt of application.
Research Associate (RA): Below 40 years of age on the last date of receipt of application.


Interested candidates may send their CV and cover letter to Prof. Debendra Chandra Baruah, Principal Investigator at the email id imprintenergy@gmail.com within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.

Advt. Details: Click Here

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