SMCH Silchar Recruitment 2020: Apply For Field Investigator, DEO Posts Vacancy

SMCH Silchar Recruitment 2020

Interested candidates can appear for Walk-in-interview/ written test for the following posts for the project “HTA of National Stroke Care Registry Programme: Development of Hospital-Based Stroke Registries in different regions of India” under ICMR-NCDIR, at Silchar Medical College and Hospital, Silchar.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts:

  1. Field Investigator
    No of Posts: 01 nos

Qualification: 12th Pass in Science stream and Diploma in GNM. Preference will be given to experienced candidates who have worked in Government establishment/Autonomous body/ PSU or any other recognized institute and having computer knowledge.
Age: Maximum 28 years as on date of interview
Salary: Rs. 18,000/- (per month fixed)

  1. Data Entry Operator
    No of Posts: 01 nos

Qualification: 12th Pass in Science stream with Diploma in Computer Application with DOEACC or equivalent from a recognised institute. Candidate must possess computer skills for handling data and text on the computer. Preference will be given to experienced candidates who have worked in Government establishment/Autonomous body/ PSU or any other recognized institute.
Age: Maximum 28 years as on date of interview
Salary: Rs. 18,000/- (per month fixed)


Interested candidates can appear for Walk-in interview

Interview Date: 01.09.2020 Tuesday at 10 AM

Venue: The administrative building of Silchar Medical College.

Advt. Details

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