PHE Belsor Division Recruitment 2021: 01 Chowkidar Vacancy

PHE Belsor Division Recruitment 2021

PHE Belsor Division Recruitment 2021, Application are invited for 01 Chowkidar Vacancy in Office of the Executive Engineer, (PHE), Belsor Division, Nalbari, Assam.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts Chowkidar
No Of Posts 01 nos
Qualification Class VIII passed
Salary PB-1, Rs. 12,000-52,000/- + GP-3900 PM
Age Limit 18 to 40 years

HOW TO APPLY PHE Belsor Division Recruitment 2021:

The application must be accompanied by the following:

  • Self-attested copies of all Certificates/Mark Sheets of educational and other qualification, Age, Caste along with other testimonials including valid Employment Registration Card,
  • Affixing one of the recent Self-attested passport size photograph in the application form and two copies of the recent passport size photograph duly self-attested along with the application.
  • The application will enclose a self-address envelop (22 cm x 10 cm) affixing postal stamp of Rs. 10/- along with clearly mentioning their postal address of communication along with the application.
  • The application should be submitted through the Indian Postal service in the ordinary post or in dropbox to the Office of the Executive Engineer, (PHE), Belsor Division, Belsor, P.O.-Belsor, P.S.-Belsor, Dist- Nalbari (Assam), PIN-781304.

Last Date: 11.02.2021 up to 3 PM

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