NHM CHO Recruitment 2021: 466 Vacancy

NHM CHO Recruitment 2021

NHM CHO Recruitment 2021, Online applications are invited for 466 Community Health Officer (CHO) Vacancy in National Health Mission (NHM), Assam.

Vacancy Details:-

Name Of PostsNo Of PostsAge
Community Health Officer (CHO)466 nos43 years

Educational Criteria:

  • The candidate must have passed B. Sc (Nursing) or Post Basic B.Sc (Nursing) with Integrated Certificate Course in Community Health in the academic year 2019-20 are only eligible to apply for the post.
  • B.Sc.(Nursing) / Post Basic B. Sc Nursing passed from a Nursing institution/University recognized by Indian Nursing Council / and Assam Nurses Midwives & Health Visitors’ Council.
  • Candidates must be Registered Nurse Registered Midwives (RNRM) from Assam Nurses Midwives & Health Visitors’ Council.
  • Candidates shall submit a Certificate from the Principal of their respective Nursing College (were from candidate has passed) for confirmation of the Integrated Certificate Course in Community Health as per the given format


Community Health Officer on contractual basis shall be paid remuneration of Rs 25,000 per month and monthly performance-based incentive Up to Rs 15,000 per month.

Selection Procedure:

All applications will be subjected to a screening process and candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of marks obtained in their final year examination of the last qualifying course i.e, Merit Wise in their last qualifying examination (Final Year B. Sc Nursing Course/Post Basic B. Sc Nursing Course)


Interested candidates are to visit NHM, Assam website and may submit their application online at https://nhm.assam.gov.in

Last Date: 31.07.2021

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