NESAC Recruitment 2020: Apply For 03 Assistant Posts Vacancy

NESAC Recruitment 2020

NESAC Recruitment 2020 application invite for 03 posts of Assistant and Junior Personal Assistant in Level 4 of the Pay Matrix (₹ 25500 -₹ 81100) in NESAC, Umiam, Meghalaya.

Vacancy Details

Name Of Posts:

  1. Assistant
    No Of Posts: 02 nos (UR-01, ST-01)

Qualifications: Graduation in Arts/Commerce/Management/Science/Computer Applications with First Class, as declared by the University. WITH A minimum Knowledge in the use of Computers

  1. Junior Personal Assistant
    No Of Posts: 01 nos (UR)

Qualifications: Graduation in Arts/Commerce/Management/Science/Computer Applications with First Class, as declared by the University
And the speed of 80 w.p.m in English Stenography WITH A minimum Knowledge in the use of Computers

Salary: Level 4 of the Pay Matrix (Rs. 25500 -Rs. 81100)

Age: 18–26 years as on 05.10.2020.

Application Fee: Rs. 500/- for each application. The fee should be paid online through Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking only through the Integrated SBI Collect Facility.


The application for on-line registration will be hosted in the NESAC website during the period from 02.09.2020 to 05.10.2020 15:00 Hrs.

The candidates registered under National Career Services (NCS) portal and fulfilling the eligibility conditions may visit the NESAC website and follow the application procedure as stated. Upon successful registration, applicants will be provided with an on-line Registration Number, which should be carefully preserved for future reference. THE E-mail ID and Mobile Number of the applicant will have to be provided in the application CORRECTLY and compulsorily.

Last date: 05.10.2020 15:00 Hrs

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