Morigaon Judiciary Recruitment 2021: 06 Peon Vacancy

Morigaon Judiciary Recruitment 2021

Morigaon Judiciary Recruitment 2021, Online applications are invited for 06 Peon Vacancy in District & Sessions Judge, Morigaon, Assam.

Vacancy Details:

Name of PostsNo Of Posts
Peon06 nos

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Class VIII passed but class XII not passed. “Candidates who have passed class XII and above are ineligible to apply.”
  • Candidates must mention the latest employment exchange registration number’
  • Candidates must declare their highest qualification. In case of a false declaration, the candidate will be subject to criminal liability.


Rs. 12,000-52,000/- + GP-3,900/- (PB-1) and other allowances admissible as per Rules.

Age Limit:

Minimum AgeMaximum Age
18 yrs50 yrs

Selection Process:


There will be an objective type written test of 1-hour duration comprising 50 questions carrying 1 mark each. Questions will be based on General Knowledge, English, Reasoning, Aptitude, etc. of class VIII standard. There will be no negative mark for a wrong answer. Minimum qualifying marks for written examination for the unreserved category will be 50o/o and that for reserved category will be 40ol0.


On the basis of performance in the written test, candidates in the ratio of 1:5 (in each category) shall be called for viva-voce subject to securing minimum qualifying marks. However, the Selection Board reserves the right to call more candidates for the Viva-voce in case more than one candidate secures the least mark of qualifying for the Viva-voce.


Candidates are required to log on to the following link to first register themselves and then fill up the online Application Form through the official website.

Last Date: 25.10.2021 till 5 PM

Important Links:

Online ApplicationClick Here
Advt. DetailsClick Here

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