Lumding College Recruitment 2020: Apply For 10 Assistant Professor Posts Vacancy

Lumding College Recruitment 2020

Lumding College Recruitment 2020 applications are invited in the prescribed format, Apply For 10 Assistant Professor Posts at Lumding College, Lumding, Hojai, Assam.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts Assistant Professor
No Of Posts: 10 nos


  1. Zoology: 01 nos (SC)
  2. Political Science: 01 nos (STH)
  3. Chemistry: 01 nos (OBC/MOBC)
  4. Botany: 01 nos (UR)
  5. Economics: 01 nos (OBC/MOBC)
  6. Assamese: 01 nos (OBC/MOBC)
  7. English: 01 nos (STP)
  8. Zoology: 01 nos (STH)
  9. Librarian: 01 nos (UR)
  10. Chemistry: 01 nos (OBC/MOBC)

Qualification: Candidates having Ph.D. degree in accordance with the UGC (minimum standards and procedures for the award of Ph.D. degree) regulation, 2009 shall be exempted from the requirement of minimum eligibility conditions of NET/SLET/SET. The candidates must have a good academic record with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale) at the Master’s degree level in the concerned subject.

Application Fee: Each application must be accompanied with a nonrefundable draft Rs. 2500/- only drawn in favour of Principal, Lumding College, Lumding, Hojai, Assam, payable at SBI, Lumding Branch (IFSCSBIN0006310) and it must reach the office of the undersigned within 15 days from the date of publications of advertisement

candidates must apply through proper channel.

Sd/- Principal,
Lumding College,
Lumding, Hojai, Assam.

Advt. Details

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