DC Morigaon Recruitment 2020: Apply For Welfare Officer, Coordinator Posts

DC Morigaon Recruitment 2020

DC Morigaon Recruitment 2020 Applications are invited from eligible candidates who are a citizen of India as defined under Article 5 to 9 of the Constitution of India and fulfill the eligibility norms of educational qualification, age, etc. as mentioned below against each category of purely temporary/ contractual posts. The posts have been created under “District Level Centre for Women (DLCW)” for the District Morigaon under “National Mission for Empowerment of Women(NMEW)” to support all the Women’s Welfare schemes including “Mahila Shakti Kendra” (MSK).

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts:

1. Women Welfare Officer

No Of Posts: 01 nos

Qualifications: Master in Social Work (from a recognized university) with the understanding of scheme /programme implemented with a focus on women. Proficiency in computers for report writing & MIS.

Salary: Rs. 35,000/- (Fixed)

2. District Coordinator

No Of Posts: 02 nos

Qualifications: Graduate in Social Work (from a recognized university). Preference will be given to candidates who are well versed with issues related to women in the District; Able to work with computers such as word, excel & PowerPoint; Women and residents of the same district.

Salary: Rs. 20,000/- (fixed)


Eligible candidates submission of application on or before 27th August/2020 through E-mail ID mskmorigaon2020@gmail.com

Last Date: 27.08.2020

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