DC Kamrup Recruitment 2021: 42 Junior Assistant & Grade-IV Vacancy

DC Kamrup Recruitment 2021

DC Kamrup Recruitment 2021, Online applications are invited for 42 Junior Assistant & Grade-IV Vacancy in Deputy Commissioner Kamrup.

Vacancy Details:

Name Of PostsNo Of Posts
Junior Assistant20 nos
Office Peon14 nos
Jarikarak06 nos
Mali02 nos

Qualification Details:

  • Junior Assistant: The candidate must a Graduate with a 6-month Diploma/Certificate in Computer application, and They must have a good working knowledge of office productivity software tools (independent) of any operating system, i.e. MS Windows, Linux, MAC, etc such as Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Basic Understanding of database, internet, email, Social Media, etc.
  • Office Peon, Jarikarak, Mali: 8th Passed.

Salary Details:

  • Junior Assistant: Rs. 14,000/- to 60500/- + GP-6200/- plus other allowances as admissible.
  • Office Peon: Rs. 12,000/- to 52,000/- + GP-3900/- plus other allowances as admissible.
  • Jarikarak: Rs. 12,000/- to 52,000/- + GP-4400/- plus other allowances as admissible.
  • Mali: 12,000/- to 52,000/- + GP-3900/- plus other allowances as admissible.

Age Limit:

Candidates must not be less than 18 years and more than 40 years as on 01.01.2021


Eligible candidates must submit their application through online https://niyukti.assam.gov.in/kamrup/

Last Date: 21.01.2021

Advt. Details

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