ASACS Recruitment 2020: Apply For 09 Medical Officer, Staff Nurse, Pharmacist Posts Vacancy

ASACS Recruitment 2020

ASACS Recruitment 2020, Walk-in-interview has been fixed by the following Institutions for filling up the following vacant posts under Assam State AIDS Control Society (ASACS) to be appointed on contractual basis at ART/ART Plus Centre and Link ART Centre (LAC) under the institutes initially for a period up to 31/03/2021, which may be extended subject to the approval of necessary funds from NACO in the next Financial Year as well as performance appraisal and coterminous of the project.

Vancay Details:

  1. Name of the Institutions: Gauhati Medical College & Hospital, Guwahati
    Name Of Posts:

Medical Officer: 02 nos
Counsellor: 01 nos
Staff Nurse: 02 nos (1 to be posted at LAC, Bongaigaon Civil Hospital.)
Care Coordinator: 01 nos

Date of Interview: 24.08.2020, 25.08.2020

  1. Name of the Institutions: Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College & Hospital, Barpeta
    Name Of Posts:

Medical Officer: 02 nos
Pharmacist: 01 nos

Date of Interview: 26.08.2020

The educational qualification, experience, age, salary, venue, and other details: Click Here

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